Hey Sam,
I think the makefile just stayed there from the init of the repo, i changed c++ standard in my ide, so i’ll update it when i’ll have time.
Same for the pitch shifter example.
Thanks for letting me know!
Hey just fyi openFrameworks might be a great option for extending SC to graphics and etc. It has tons of graphics capabilities, it’s actively maintained, has a forum and a lively GitHub page.
Thanks! I’ve used it extensively in the past and it’s an excellent framework. I already tried some time ago to include it but had problems compiling it (if i remember correctly it was about windows headers and some other linking issues). Maybe worthwhile to spend some time on it again cheers!
I’ve used OF tons. There is an option of using SC (server) from the command line in an OF app. And I think someone built an OF addon that uses the SC server. It might be easier to get SC into OF than trying to get OF into SC. But if you continue to build your own openGL and related code for SC, don’t hesitate to borrow from OF (functions, classes, etc) as needed.
Did a complete overhaul of the render engine. Now it has a user specifiable folder for the shaders as an argument. read audio out from texture with triple buffering to avoid tears, 1 channel audio in. Multiple instances are possible. Rendering is v synced. There are 2 pairs of frag + vert shaders, the first is for the drawing and where the audio gets pulled out (you also have 2 frames of feedback/history), the second pair is for post processing and renders to the window.
Check out the scd example+shaders (windows): public-extensions/OpenGLTest at main · aleksandarkoruga/public-extensions · GitHub
or the code: GitHub - aleksandarkoruga/opengltest: opengl test as SuperCollider UGen
->next up probably compute shaders and dynamic number of input and output channels