OSCFunc — a VERY newbie question


i’ve just barely started to learn SC and what can i say — i’m very excited!
i’m currently learning to use IANNIX to control an SC patch. i catch triggers via OSC with something like this:

OSCFunc({arg msg; if(msg[1]==11, {Synth.new(\bloop2, [\pitch, midicps(51)])})}, ‘\trigger’);

so it fires up a synth with a specific pitch in response to the specific trigger number.
the synth has an envelope with doneAction=2 so it disappears from the server as soon as the envelope is finished.
however, the issue is that when i reevaluate this with, for example, a different note number:

OSCFunc({arg msg; if(msg[1]==11, {Synth.new(\bloop2, [\pitch, midicps(55)])})}, ‘\trigger’);

i now hear BOTH notes firing up together.

so the question is — how i free, destroy or otherwise get rid of the OSCFunc when I need to? i couldn’t find a method.


answering to myself — of course, i just need to do

o = OSCFunc({arg msg; if(msg[1]==11, {Synth.new(\bloop2, [\pitch, midicps(51)])})}, ‘\trigger’);

then i can do


how stupid one can get lol

You can also define the OSCFunc with ‘oneShot’, see helpfile examples.

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Thanks! this way OSCFunc only fires once on the first trigger (which is entirely logical). I, however, need it to handle all the trigger events with the same ID (msg[1]) until i explicitly tell it to stop or change.

You could also try OSCdef instead of OSCFunc. Every time you re-run it with same key (the def’s “name”, first arg), it overwrites the previous definition.

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thanks! this works. can’t stop being amazed by SC’s flexibility and power. great community here, too.