Overcoming: FAILURE IN SERVER /s_new too many nodes

Hello all,

I have a patch where I intend to use more than 1000 SynthDefs, however if I go over – I think – 1040 I get the error message “FAILURE IN SERVER /s_new too many nodes”.

I believe this is to prevent crashes, but I would like to override it. I’ve searched for a way to do this but not found one that specifically addresses it.

Any illumination of this subject would be gratefully received!

Many thanks,


Set this before booting the server.



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Thanks for your reply Jamshark. I´m still doing something wrong though.

ServerOptions.maxNodes= 2080;

No luck from the above.

Try Server.default.options.maxNodes = 2080, assuming you’re using the default server. Otherwise swap out Server.default with the server instance you’re using. Then reboot the server.

Thank you jpburstrom, that did the trick! Much appreciated!