I’m trying to write the code with the following ideas, but I’m stuck:
How can I write a code using Pbind to create a progression of sounds transitioning from very short to long sustains (or releases) within a 5-minute duration? Additionally, how can I code it to revert back to very short sounds once it reaches the longest sustain?
Can you do the same with any sampler?
Thank you so much for your help.
SynthDef(\pluck, {
|amp=0.4, note=60, decay=4, coef=0.1, pan=0|
var env, sig, pluck, delay;
env = EnvGen.kr(Env.linen(0, decay, 0), doneAction:2);
sig = WhiteNoise.ar(amp);
delay = note.midicps.reciprocal;
sig = Pluck.ar(in:sig, delaytime:delay, decaytime:decay, coef:coef);
Out.ar(0, Pan2.ar(sig * 0.5, pan));
var base, dur, step, times;
base = 60;
dur = 0.2;
step = 1;
times = 6;
Pbind(\instrument, \pluck,
\note, Pseq([Pseries(base,step,times), Pseries(base,step.neg,times)], inf),
\dur, dur,
\amp, 0.5,