Pdef and isPlaying

How can I determine if a Pbind of finite length inside a Pdef has ended?

x = Pbind(\dur, Pseq([1]));
y = x.play;
y.isPlaying; // true

// wait 1 second

y.isPlaying; // false

Pdef(\test, Pbind(\dur, Pseq([1]))).play;
Pdef(\test).isPlaying; // true

// wait 1 second

Pdef(\test).isPlaying; // still true, how can I determine if the Pbind inside the Pdef has ended?

Pdef(\test).player.isPlaying accesses the Pdef’s EventStreamPlayer and asks if it is still playing. Pdef(\test).isActive returns true if both the EventStreamPlayer’s stream has not ended yet and the Pdef itself is playing.
Pdef(\test).isPlaying by itself isn’t enough because it refers to the status of the Pdef itself, not the EventStreamPlayer that actually plays the enclosed Pbind.

x = Pbind(\dur, Pseq([1]));
y = x.play;

y.class; // -> EventStreamPlayer
Pdef(\test, Pbind(\dur, Pseq([1]))).play;
Pdef(\test).player.class; // -> EventStreamPlayer
Pdef.findRespondingMethodFor('isActive'); // -> TaskProxy:isActive
TaskProxy : PatternProxy {
	isPlaying { ^player.notNil and: { player.wasStopped.not } } // does not check if enclosed stream has ended
	isActive { ^this.isPlaying and: { player.streamHasEnded.not } }

Also try… Pdef(\test).isActive;

A Pdef is always “playing” after you .play it, until you call .stop or Cmd-period (and possibly some other methods that I’m not thinking of at the moment). The always-playing state is necessary so that when you give it a new source pattern, it will automatically start playing it at the next quant interval. The .isActive method is a way to see if the source is still playing.

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Thanks @PitchTrebler and @bovil43810 - .isActive is what I needed!