PortedPlugins (formerly MKPlugins): Server plugins ported from elsewhere

Hi ! I’ve heard from other paru users that clearing the paru cache for the package helps. I wonder why this happens though. With yay it works fine it seems ? A real head scratcher… will probably have to look into this more

Hey sorry, thought I had removed the message before you could see it, cause I found this exact solution just after I posted. So I can confirm that clearing the cache with paru -Sc does solve the problem indeed. :slightly_smiling_face:

But there is definately an issue here eith my package and paru… will investigate further!

The good thing is you don’t need to delete all your caches. I got by deleting only the paru cache, not the pacman cache, which can be nice to keep around :slight_smile:
But I’ll open an issue over at paru if it happens again. It does seem to be something about how paru handles the updates…

The aur package should be fixed now for those who had trouble with checksums on update. @tomschelsen @kflak and others

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Hello Mads

Thanks for your plugins!

I have a problem and I can’t figure out what’s wrong.
I installed the plugins via AUR for manjaro:
trizen -Ss mkplugins
aur/supercollider-mkplugins 0.2.0-3 [installed] [1+] [0.46%] [15 Apr 2021]
Mads Kjeldgaard’s plugins for SuperCollider

I can find them in /usr/share/SuperCollider/Extensions/MKPlugins/.
Once they were all working fine, but when I tried them today SC seems to be unable to find any of them on my system.

I recompiled the Class Library many times, but that didn’t help.
Don’t know what kind of information would be helpful for you…

Hi @aksu that sounds quite strange. Are you getting any errors in the post window when you recompile the class library? And are you able to find them in the help browser by any chance?

When I start SC I can see this:

compiling class library...
	Found 862 primitives.
	Compiling directory '/usr/share/SuperCollider/SCClassLibrary'
	Compiling directory '/usr/share/SuperCollider/Extensions'

Then various compilations of stuff in my home directory.

But there are no errors related to ‘/usr/share/SuperCollider/Extensions’.

When I look for the plugins in the help browser (AnalogBassDrum, Chen, LPG, whatever) I can’t find any of them.

Ah I’ve found the problem. Will update the package asap

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@aksu try updating now. I screwed up on last update (which was a fix to another screwup) but I think I unscrewed the situation now

Now it works again!
Thanks a lot!

Thanks for reporting!

Very cool sounds! Exited to try these out someday!

V0.2.3 released


hey, thanks for these amazing Ugens. Ive tried out AnalogBassDrum and AnalogSnareDrum and dont know if its just me, but they are behaving strange when declaring a freq argument, the overall amplitude is really low and the pitch is different when i turn on infsustain any ideas? thanks

SynthDef(\kick, {
	arg out=0, pan=0, amp=0.75;
	var sig, env;
	env = EnvGen.kr(Env.perc(0.001, 1), doneAction: 2);
	sig = AnalogBassDrum.ar(
        infsustain: 1,
        accent: 0.25,
		freq: 75,
        tone: 0.5,
        decay: 0.15,
        attackfm: 0.01,
        selffm: 0.25
	sig = sig * env;
	sig = Pan2.ar(sig, pan, amp);
	OffsetOut.ar(out, sig);

x = Pbind(
	\instrument, \kick,
	\dur, 1,
	\amp, 0.75,

Thank you!

To be honest - I don’t always fully understand what’s going on with the AnalogBassDrum and AnalogSnareDrum myself and they are sometimes a bit mysterious to me. They are directly ported so I haven’t written the code myself but I agree with your observations - without infsustain the pitch is defninately raised setup like this.

First of all - the overall amplitude in this one can be adjusted a bit using the accent parameter. if you set it to something like 0.95 you get closer to normal volume.

When not using an external envelope like you are and having infsustain set to off, it is better to use a trigger instead of a gate and then you’ll have to mess with the parameters a bit. I should update the help file on this subject I see now but try something like this and tweak the parameters to your liking. Another thing with this one is that most of the parameters affect eachother and especially the pitch. A strange thing I am seeing now is that decay is affected by the frequency - the higher the frequency, the longer the decay.

This to me is pretty nice if you want to go the route of the trigger:

SynthDef(\kick_never_die, {
	arg out=0, pan=0, accent=0.5, amp=0.75, freq=75, decay=0.25, attackfm=0.25, selffm=0.5, tone=0.5;
	var sig;
	var trig = Trig.ar(1, 0.00001);
	sig = AnalogBassDrum.ar(
        infsustain: 0,
        accent: accent,
		freq: freq,
        tone: tone,
        decay: decay,
        attackfm: attackfm,
        selffm: selffm

	DetectSilence.ar(sig, doneAction: 2);
	sig = Pan2.ar(sig, pan, amp);
	OffsetOut.ar(out, sig);

Pbind(\instrument, \kick_never_die, \amp, 0.75, \freq, Pseq([40,50,60],inf), \decay, 0.123, \attackfm, 0.1, \selffm, 1.0, \tone, 0.5, ).play

But to be honest I kind of like using infsustain and an external envelope more like you have done.

And for those curious, here is why in the cpp code the sustain setting makes such a big difference: DaisySP/Source/Drums/analogbassdrum.cpp at 6ad2e5928b1b0af924ae7e6cd23d08967acb8864 · electro-smith/DaisySP · GitHub

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hey, thanks for your answer. im not really using any drums but thought i would try out some euclidean rhythms and was searching for a nice 808 implementention. this seemed very promising have to give it another go :slight_smile: thanks a lot. ZOsc is really nice!

There’s another 808 emulation project that I want to add when time permits… but until then…

Note that the default event prototype specifies a default frequency, middle C, and the event will override the freq = 75 in the SynthDef. So the Pbind should specify the frequency you want.


Released 0.2.4 which adds VadimFilter - Virtual analog low pass, high pass and band pass filters based on the ground breaking work of Vadim Zavalishin. Ported from folderkit. Download prebuilt versions here:

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