Hi list,
I am trying to quantize a wild mix of Pdef, Pbind, t.sched and Events.
I have discovered that for Pdef().play(quant: 1) by default. For
Pbind().play; it is not set.
Furthermore I am trying to quantize t.sched because I want to use its
delta offset, rather than using t.play. But it seems .sched can not be
quantized without some wrappers…
The following minimal working example demonstrates my attempt:
t=TempoClock.new(tempo: 130/60/4)
t.sched(0, {t.beatsPerBar=1}); // one beat is one bar.
Pdef(\inC, Pbind(\dur, 1/4)).play(t);
t.play({ Pdef(\inC).stop; }); // stops at barline thanks to t.play(quant:1) default
Pbind(\dur, 1/8, \degree, Pn(4,16)).play(t, quant:1); // Starts quantized, but Pbind's quant: has to be set explicitely...
t.sched(2, { // this is not quantized
(degree: 7).play(t); // plays unquantized, does not know quant keyword arg.
t.play((degree: 5).play); // also plays unquantized, unexpectedly.
Pdef(\inC).play(t); // plays quantized.
I would like to use single Events as (degree: 7).play(t) for single
notes rather than short patters. How would I go about quantizing single
Events? Neither of the two ways exemplified above seem to work.
Events seem to understand .synchWithQuant() but I can’t get it to work.
How can I schedule things using delta times AND have them quantized? I
know that .play(quant:[1,2]) is one possible way, albeit I find it hard to read.
Looking forward to all ideas!
best, Peter