is there a better way to quantize Pdef(\something).stop to
the next clock beat rather than scheduling it as
I am currently running my clock at one-beat-per-bar. Hence, everything
that is quantized to 1 will either start or end at the beginning of a
bar, which I like. Plus I can notate quarter note durations as \dur, 1/4.
But if I want to stop a Pdef with t.play, as desribed above, it will
stop just after the first event of that bar has sounded. How could I
make Pdef stop “just before” that event is played without giving some small
numeric offset, as possibly in t.sched(0.999, {Pdef(\something).stop})?
Here is a minimal working example:
t=TempoClock.new(tempo: 130/60/4);
t.sched(0, {t.beatsPerBar=1});
Pdef(\inC, Pbind(\degree, Pseq([5,1,1,1], inf), \dur, 1/4)).play(t);
t.play({Pdef(\inC).stop;}); // will stop the Pdef at the next bar but
the first event of that bar will still sound. How to stop just before
Thanks for all ideas!