Rebuild SuperCollider in 3.13 (official version)


I would like to rebuild SuperCollider in the official version 3.13.
I have a build of SC 3.14-dev on my machine (ubuntu 24.04.1), I follow these steps to build it:

Can someone help me with the process of rebuilding and changing version ?
I can’t find a cmake flag for the version ?
Do I need to checkout on another branch ?

concerning the dependencies I have these:

sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake libjack-jackd2-dev libsndfile1-dev libfftw3-dev libxt-dev libavahi-client-dev

sudo apt-get install git libasound2-dev libicu-dev libreadline6-dev libudev-dev pkg-config libncurses5-dev

and Qt 6,
is it ok for SC 3.13 ?

any help is welcome.

Inside your git repo, you can use this command to switch to 3.13:
git switch 3.13 --recurse--submodules

3.13 is a git tag.

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Thank you
and after switching branch, do I have other things to do aside from:
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DNATIVE=ON -DSC_EL=OFF .. (in my case)
make j8
sudo make install

I don’t want to be in dev mode but in “standard”,
Is the flag -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release the right one for that ?

Hello is somebody have answers to my previous post ?

Rerunning those commands should be enough. SC 3.13 has different dependencies, so you might need to install those. You can see it here. Notably, SC 3.13 use Qt5 instead of Qt6.

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Thank you very much and some more characters