Resetting a Pseg

Probably some stupidity involved here, but I’m trying to figure out how to apply the values of a Pseg to another key in the pattern, adapting the duration of the Pseg to the original \dur before PdurStuttering. I.e in this example i would like the “glissandi” to be downwards only and fill the full period of the \dur before subdividing it. I guess this means that the Pseg needs to be reset after n % ev[\d] because now it just continues where it left of. Is this possible? Or maybe there are better ways to do this? I’ve tried different approaches e.g. doing everything inside a Pfunc or Prout instead of Pseg but i’m stuck and would appreciate any help.

~d = 8;
p = Pbind(
	\d, Pfunc{~d},
	\dur, PdurStutter(Pkey(\d), Pseq([0.5, 1], inf)),
	\n, Pstutter(Pkey(\d), Pseq([7, 3], inf)),
	\env, Pseg(
		Pseq([1, 0], inf),
		Pfunc{|ev| ev[\d] * ev[\dur]},
	\note, Pkey(\n) * Pkey(\env)

You can use zero times

~d = 8;
p = Pbind(
	\d, Pfunc{~d},
	\dur, PdurStutter(Pkey(\d), Pseq([0.5, 1], inf)),
	\n, Pstutter(Pkey(\d), Pseq([7, 3], inf)),
	\env, Pseg(
		Pseq([1, 0], inf),
		Pseq([Pfuncn { |ev| ev[\d] * ev[\dur] }, 0], inf),
	\note, Pkey(\n) * Pkey(\env)

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Awesome! Thanks. I knew it was easy.