My name is Jeff. I’m a composer based in Paris-France.
I can’t find an answer to my question and the documentation is not so clear about that.
I’d like to connect SC to a track in my DAW. I use only linux software so mine is Ardour. I’ve read “audio device selection” and “server options” but I can’t get an appropriate solution.
I use to ask question on a french forum well-known for audio on Linux, here. but I’m not quite satisfied. It doesn’t work for the moment ! What do you think of that piece of code concerning this topic :
"jack_connect 'SuperCollider:out_1' 'ardour:Audio 1/audio_in 1'".unixCmd;
"jack_connect 'SuperCollider:out_2' 'ardour:Audio 1/audio_in 2'".unixCmd;
Don’t you have any advice ?
Best regards,