[resolved] Connect supercollider in Ardour


My name is Jeff. I’m a composer based in Paris-France.

I can’t find an answer to my question and the documentation is not so clear about that.

I’d like to connect SC to a track in my DAW. I use only linux software so mine is Ardour. I’ve read “audio device selection” and “server options” but I can’t get an appropriate solution.

I use to ask question on a french forum well-known for audio on Linux, here. but I’m not quite satisfied. It doesn’t work for the moment ! What do you think of that piece of code concerning this topic :

"jack_connect 'SuperCollider:out_1' 'ardour:Audio 1/audio_in 1'".unixCmd;
"jack_connect 'SuperCollider:out_2' 'ardour:Audio 1/audio_in 2'".unixCmd;

Don’t you have any advice ?

Best regards,



You can do that with one of many tools, such as QJackCtl. If you are using PipeWire, try qpwgraph.

If you want to control Ardour from SC using OSC, you can try this:

(anything you can control with GUI, you can control with OSC)