/*RUN*/ Document.autoRun_(true); Document.current.path; thisProcess.nowExecutingPath; "".resolveRelative


I have tested the following to illustrate the different way of path detection:

In the SCD file ‘A.scd’ in a folder:

("                  " + "".quote ++ ".resolveRelative:" + "".resolveRelative).postln; // code 1
("thisProcess.nowExecutingPath.basename:" + thisProcess.nowExecutingPath.basename).postln; // code 2
(" thisProcess.nowExecutingPath.dirname:" + thisProcess.nowExecutingPath.dirname).postln; // code 3
("         thisProcess.nowExecutingPath:" + thisProcess.nowExecutingPath).postln; // code 4
("               Document.current.title:" + Document.current.title).postln; // code 5
("                 Document.current.dir:" + Document.current.dir).postln; // code 6
("                Document.current.path:" + Document.current.path).postln; // code 7

"subfolder/B.scd".loadRelative // code 8

In the SCD file ‘B.scd’ in the subfolder ‘subfolder’ of the above folder:

("                  " + "".quote ++ ".resolveRelative:" + "".resolveRelative).postln;
("thisProcess.nowExecutingPath.basename:" + thisProcess.nowExecutingPath.basename).postln;
(" thisProcess.nowExecutingPath.dirname:" + thisProcess.nowExecutingPath.dirname).postln;
("         thisProcess.nowExecutingPath:" + thisProcess.nowExecutingPath).postln;
("               Document.current.title:" + Document.current.title).postln;
("                 Document.current.dir:" + Document.current.dir).postln;
("                Document.current.path:" + Document.current.path).postln;

However, the Post window returns when the A.scd file is opened:

ERROR: can't resolve relative to an unsaved file.
Path to resolve: ""

I have tested each of the 8 codes in the ‘A.scd’ file individually. All 8 codes return the same error.

Can the following three codes

  • thisProcess.nowExecutingPath
  • Document.current.path
  • "".resolveRelative

not be used in a document that starts with the following two lines?


It’s a bug. I just proposed a fix: classlib: IDE Document should set path before autorun by jamshark70 · Pull Request #6137 · supercollider/supercollider · GitHub



Thanks for the fix!