SC and strobe light control

Hi folks, I am a new on SC, I would like to control my Atomic 3000 strobe using patterns. I used the DMX quark and a piece of code that I saw on a 8 years old post: fortunatly it used an Atomic 3000 as an example

// This creates an instance of the DMX class (see the DMX quark):
d =;
// create a DMX device (the argument is the serial path at which it can be
reached; see SerialPort.devices)
e = "/dev/ttyUSB0" );
// set the device for DMX
d.device = e;

// create an empty cue:
c =;
// set flash duration (DMXCue takes values between 0 and 1, these are scaled
to 0-255 internally)
c.put( 2, 0.5 );

// set flash rate (DMXCue takes values between 0 and 1, these are scaled to
0-255 internally) - single flash
c.put( 3, 0 );

// send the settings of the cue to the strobe:
d.currentCue = c;

// strobe every two seconds at full intensity
Pdef( 'strobing', Pbind( \dur, 2, \strobe, Pfunc({ c.put( 1, 0.99); d.setCue;
"i strobe".postln; }, inf) ) );

Sc detect the strobe without any problem and I can set the three values without difficulties (intensity, rate, duration). When I execute the Pdef, the strobe play just one flash, no matter what, and the Pfunc doesn’t return the value a second time. So far I just manage to send “fixed states” but I didn’t get how to sequence it. It look likes that this first channel of the strobe (1 - intensity) has to go thought zero to be able to play it again. The problem is that the DMX quark has almost no documentation, and it’s quite criptik for me, specially the c=DMXcue / c.put(id,value), that I don’t manage to control without the Pfunc . Would it be possible to use this quark in order to seq the params of the Strobe in this form ? (that would be really convenient for me)

//intensity = DMX channel 1
//duration = DMX channel 2
//rate = DMX channel 3

Pbind(\strobe, \dur, 2, \intensity, Pseq([0.1,1,0.4,0,0.2,0,1],inf), \duration, Pseq([0.2,0.5],inf), \rate, Pseq([0.2,1,0.4],inf));

Thanks a lot