Scales from Scala files


I have a hard time finding out how scales and tunings work in Supercollider. How can I build a scale in Supercollider from the data given in a Scala file - and then use that scale in Pbind?

For example from this Scala file:

Tetrany (1,4) (3,5,7,9)
! Created with the iOS app "Wilsonic" by Marcus Hobbs
! The 1/1 is explicitly added by the Scala tuning file format
! There is no 1/1 in a Tetrany, so we normalize by the first term
! 0.000000 ==> (9/9) ==> 1.12
! 182.403696 ==> (5/9) ==> 1.25
! 498.044980 ==> (3/9) ==> 1.5
! 764.915907 ==> (7/9) ==> 1.75

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.


a = Scale([0, 1, 2, 3], pitchesPerOctave:4, tuning:Tuning([0, 182.403696, 498.044980, 764.915907]/100))


Pbind(\scale, a, ..... )

Tuning expects units of midinotes so we need to divide the cents in your example by 100. We also need to add the first 0 degree explicitly (Scala does this implicitly)

there is also a nice Quark that lets you open scala files directily IIRC called TuningLib

evaluate Quarks.install("TuningLib") to check it out


Not sure if it is what you are looking for, but another option would be trying out my mitola quark: GitHub - shimpe/mitola: supercollider quark for microtonal music composition; microtonal counterpart to panola

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thank you so much, this works!

Thank you for this suggestion. I am sure this works very well. Unfortunately, it is beyond my capabilities to use the quark.