Searching the archives of the SC mailing lists

The archives of the SC mailing lists (sc-users, sc-dev), hosted at the University of Birmingham, are an excellent resource for learning about SC and getting inspired. They include data from 2002 onwards. Unfortunately, the search for years before the current year is a bit difficult to find.

Either go here to choose a specific year, then the search via the htDig icon will include the whole archive:

Or go here directly for a general search:

Also, note that links can become outdated as soon as the current year is over. This issue is covered here:

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it was great when all this content was on nabble and index by google. losing that was a bit of a tragedy

To explain it for newer users: years ago there existed a mirror of these archives on nabble, which, due to regulations, couldn’t be kept. There were long discussions about this (which you could also find somewhere).
However, it’s great that the original archive is there. I suppose it’s not heavily used now, many people don’t know it, or they don’t know how to search for elder threads.

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Unfortunately, these archives are no longer reachable through these addresses. @muellmusik do you know where they have moved to?

I had to reset the Google index, so it’s still rebuilding


Is it possible (and also legal) to download the list archive for doing the search inside my computer? Any python script for that?

As the search option of the archive is not returning anything, I am doing a google search like:

site: somekeyword anotherkeyword
site: somekeyword anotherkeyword

Before the google index was reset this method use to return all the contents, but now it is barely returning anything…

I just recently ripped an old music blog that I used to love (most of the music was still online, surprisingly!) - I can confirm that SiteSucker does a great job at this, well worth the $5.

What does SiteSucker do that wget doesn’t?

Indeed, I was trying with python but forgot about wget, super simple to do it.

I just realized that duckduckgo is providing way more results than google… the syntax is reversed: SinOsc site: there.