Seeking SC tutoring!

I’m looking for someone who can help me understand the language faster. All the documentation and tutorials out there are amazing but I know one on one sessions with someone more skilled would speed up the process ( a lot ).

In person or Webcam would be great. If anyone knows anybody who offers programs like this or is willing to tutor, please share! Am based in Los Angeles


I’m not aware of someone offering such. But did you check Eli Fieldsteel’s youtube tutorials ?


i’m in the LA area for the school year and i’ve done some private SC tutoring. not sure i will have time this school year for 1-on-1, but sometimes i hold informal (and free) SC workshops at my uni, so i’ll remember to give you a ring next time.


thanks nathan, really appreciate that.

yes he’s an excellent teacher.

Hey Nathan!
I’m also a beginner as well, but sadly I am not in the LA area.
Do you have any workshop materials you could share by any chance?
I’ve currently started watching Eli Fieldsteel’s tutorial series, but would love to get my hands on some more learning materials! :kissing_heart:

I’m happy to help, if something doesn’t work out…but I’d go with Nathan, too!

There is a plan to create an official SuperCollider tutorial. In the very early stages of planning at the moment. I’m going to start a thread where people can discuss it.