Sending trigger pulse with pattern features

If I was trying to send trigger pulses out a dc coupled interface, to external analog gear, but wanted the power of patterns, what would be the way to go? Create a Synthdef that makes a pulse and play it with patterns? Or would the demand Ugens be better? Or any other ideas? Thanks

All possible. To employ Patterns directly, you could do something like this:

SynthDef(\dcSetter, { |out, val|,

x = Pmono(\dcSetter,
	\dur, 0.2,
	\val, Pwhite(0.0, 0.05),
	\out, 2 // suppose this is your out to analog device

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If the goal is to generate trigger pulses, I would write:

SynthDef(\dcSetter, { |out, trigDur = 0.01|
	var val =\val, 0);,, trigDur)))

… because you need the signal to fall back to zero between triggers.


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I want to send triggers at specified times. Like a sequencer.

Just to be clear

This looks good. Thank you