Sequence busses to send triggers

Im using a modular kind of set up with proxyspace. I have several kind of instruments like, ~snare, ~kick, ~cymbal etc. and i also have some sequencers that send out triggers. Right now i have to use a new sequencer for each new instrument and pair them like this. ~sequencer_1 <>>.trig ~snare, ~sequencer_2 <>>.trig ~kick, etc. But what i really want is to have just one sequencer for all instruments. A sequencer for which you can decide for each trigger to which instrument its being sent.
I was trying to do this by using an Out ugen and a demand ugen to sequence a bunch of busses for the Out ugen to send triggers over.

Something like this:

//this for example is supposed to alternate some pattern over
//the snare, kick and cymbal
//however it just plays all the instruments simultaneously for every trigger
p = ProxySpace.push;
~sequencer        = { Dseq([/*some pattern*/], inf)) };
~trigBusSequencer = {\, 0, Dseq([~snareBus, ~kickBus, ~cymbalBus], inf)), \ };
~snare            = { var trig =, 1); /*make sound*/ };
~kick             = { var trig =, 1); /*make sound*/ };
~cymbal           = { var trig =, 1); /*make sound*/ };

~sequencer <>>.trig ~trigBusSequencer;;;;;

I also tried something like this:

p = ProxySpace.push;
~sequencer        = { Dseq([/*some pattern*/], inf)) };
~trigBusSequencer = {\, 0, Dseq([~snareBus, ~kickBus, ~cymbalBus], inf)), \ };
~snare            = { var trig = \; /*make sound*/ };
~kick             = { var trig = \; /*make sound*/ };
~cymbal           = { var trig = \; /*make sound*/ };

~sequencer <>>.trig ~trigBusSequencer;\trig, ~snareBus);\trig, ~kickBus);\trig, ~cymbalBus);;;;;

However this doesnt work either. For both methods i dont know why it doesnt work.
Whats the best way to do this?

p = ProxySpace.push;
~sequencer        = { Dseq([/*some pattern*/], inf)) };
~trigBusSequencer = {\, 0, Dseq([\!3)], inf)), \ };
~snare            = { var trig = \; /*make sound*/ };
~kick             = { var trig = \; /*make sound*/ };
~cymbal           = { var trig = \; /*make sound*/ };

~sequencer.set(\busses, [~snareBus.index, ~kickBus.index, ~cymbalBus.index]);;;;;

~sequencer <>>.trig ~trigBusSequencer;\trig, ~snareBus);\trig, ~kickBus);\trig, ~cymbalBus);

It works when you use .index . Without .index it doesnt seem to work.

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