Hello dear colliders,
I am expected to make a live-performance on an 8.4 sound system, but I have never played on such a system. The composition I am going to play has a main synth as follows which uses a GrainBuf with 4 channels. The grains are located using a LFNoise1, and I want to reset my synth to be spread around the 8.4. system in the concert. Can any one please give me a hint on how is an 8.4 handled, and is this done as easy as setting the numberChannel parameter to 8 (or 12?), and the rest is done by GrainBuf’s PanAZ? Any helps are appreciated!
SynthDef(\inst, {
arg gate=1;
var snd, trigFreq, trig, rateSeq, grainSize, sndEnv, rateDseqArrs, rateDrandArrs;
trigFreq = LFNoise2.kr(1).range(3, 24);
trig = Impulse.ar(trigFreq);
rateDseqArrs = [(1..5).mirror1, (1..4).mirror1, (1..3).mirror1, (1..2).mirror1, (1..1).mirror1];
rateDrandArrs = [(4..10), (4..9), (4..8), (4..7), (4..6), (4..5), (4..4)];
rateSeq = Drand([
Select.kr(\rateDseqArrIdxKnob1.kr(0), rateDseqArrs) * \rateFactDseq.kr(0.3), \rateDseqNum.kr(2)),
// 4..10
Select.kr(\rateDrandArrIdxKnob2.kr(0), rateDrandArrs) * \rateFactDrand.kr(0.2), \rateDrandNum.kr(8))
], inf);
grainSize = ~bufDur * FSinOsc.kr(8).exprange(0.01, 0.5);
sndEnv = EnvGen.kr(envelope: Env.cutoff, gate: gate, doneAction: Done.freeSelf);
snd = GrainBuf.ar(
numChannels: 4,
trigger: trig,
dur: grainSize,
sndbuf: b,
rate: Demand.ar(trig, 0, rateSeq),
// Nach unten wird langsamer zurĂĽckspringen zum Anfang
pos: LFNoise1.kr(trigFreq).range(\pos1.kr(0), \pos2.kr(0)),
interp: 4,
pan: LFNoise2.kr(trigFreq),
envbufnum: z
Out.ar(0, snd * sndEnv)