Hello everyone
I have recently been inspired to use the wonderful Shaper
UGen a bit more and I am curious to see/hear other people’s waveshaping signals to be used with Shaper
. Link to helpfile.
Here is a little something I currently use in my library. I ripped out the waveshaping buffers from Aaron Lanterman’s buchla700 clone and created my own variant of them and wrote some wrapper functions that can easily be used in SynthDef production (see the comments below for examples).
// Waveshaping buffers to be used with Shaper.ar
// Some of these were pulled out of Aaron Lanterman's Buchla 700 project: https://github.com/lantertronics/b700ish/blob/main/b700ish.scd
Ndef(\lfo, {|freq=0.1| LFTri.kr(freq) });
Ndef(\a, {|freq=141, modfreq=0.1, shapebufA, shapebufB, crossfade=0, amp=0.1|
var lfo = LFTri.kr(modfreq);
var sig = SinOsc.ar(freq: SinOsc.ar(lfo.lag.lag*215) * lfo.lag.exprange(freq/2.0, freq), phase: 0.0, mul: 1.0, add: 0.0);
var shapeA = Shaper.ar(shapebufA, sig);
var shapeB = Shaper.ar(shapebufB, sig);
sig = XFade2.ar(shapeA, shapeB, crossfade) * amp;
Pan2.ar(sig * lfo, lfo);
\shapebufA, ~shaperBuffers[\fulltonewheel],
\shapebufB, ~shaperBuffers[\altsaw]
.map(\crossfade, Ndef(\lfo))
\freq, 182,
\modfreq, 0.185,
\shapebufA, ~shaperBuffers[\truesquare],
\shapebufB, ~shaperBuffers[\altsignflipping_impulse_train]
\freq, 582,
\modfreq, 5.085,
\shapebufA, ~shaperBuffers[\jimmysmith],
\shapebufB, ~shaperBuffers[\truetriangle]
"Loading waveshaper algos".postln;
// Coeffecients
~waveShapeCoeffecients = IdentityDictionary.new;
~waveShapeCoeffecients.put('truetriangle ', [1,0] / ((1..32).squared));
~waveShapeCoeffecients.put('squarecompatible_triangle', [1,0,-1,0] / ((1..32).squared));
~waveShapeCoeffecients.put('jimmysmithpositive', [1,1,1]);
~waveShapeCoeffecients.put('jimmyshith', [1,1,-1]);
~waveShapeCoeffecients.put('fulltonewheel', [1,1,-1,-1,0,1,0,-1,0,1,0,-1,0,0,0,1]);
~waveShapeCoeffecients.put('truesquare', [1,0,-1,0] / (1..32));
~waveShapeCoeffecients.put('trianglecompatible_square', [1,0] / (1..32));
~waveShapeCoeffecients.put('altsaw', 0.25*[1,-1,-1,1] / (1..32));
~waveShapeCoeffecients.put('altimpulsetrain', 0.1*[1,-1,-1,1]*Array.fill(32,1));
~waveShapeCoeffecients.put('altsignflipping_impulse_train', 0.1*[1,0,-1,0]*Array.fill(32,1));
// Convert coeffecients to waveshaping buffers
~shaperBuffers = IdentityDictionary.new;
~waveShapeCoeffecients.keysValuesDo{|name, coeffecients|
var waveShapeSignal = Signal.chebyFill(4096, coeffecients, normalize: true, zeroOffset:false);
var buf = Buffer.loadCollection(s, waveShapeSignal.asWavetableNoWrap);
~shaperBuffers.put(name, buf);
"Waveshaping buffers are available in ~shaperBuffers using the following keys:".postln;
~shaperBuffers.keys.do{|k| k.postln};
// A function for embedding in a synthdef using SynthDef.wrap
SynthDef.new(\lol, {|out=0, amp=0.25, dur=1|
var sig = SinOsc.ar(141);
sig = SynthDef.wrap(~waveshapeXWrap, prependArgs: [sig]);
Out.ar(out, Env.perc.kr(gate:1, timeScale: dur) * sig * amp)
Synth(\lol, [
\waveshapeCrossfade, 0.5,
\waveshapeA, 0,
\waveshapeB, 3,
// This one crossfades
~waveshapeWrap = {
arg sig, waveshapeAmount=1, waveshape=0;
var clean = sig;
var shapeBuffers = SynthDef.wrap({ ~shaperBuffers.asArray });
var shape = Select.kr((waveshape % ~shaperBuffers.size), shapeBuffers);
sig = Shaper.ar(shape, sig);
XFade2.ar(clean, sig, waveshapeAmount.linlin(0.0,1.0,-1.0,1.0));
// This one crossfades
~waveshapeXWrap = {
arg sig,
var clean = sig;
var shapeBuffers = SynthDef.wrap({ ~shaperBuffers.asArray });
var shapeA = Select.kr((waveshapeA % ~shaperBuffers.size), shapeBuffers);
var shapeB = Select.kr((waveshapeB % ~shaperBuffers.size), shapeBuffers);
var sigA = Shaper.ar(shapeA, sig);
var sigB = Shaper.ar(shapeB, sig);
sig = XFade2.ar(sigA, sigB, waveshapeCrossfade);
XFade2.ar(clean, sig, waveshapeAmount.linlin(0.0,1.0,-1.0,1.0));