Simple Gate question

Trying to figure out why this only triggers once …

	var sig =, 56,res: 1.8, mul:0.4).tanh;
	var env = Env.perc(0.001, 0.5).ar(gate:\, doneAction:0);\,sig*env!2);
p = Synth(\kick);
p.set(\trig, 1)

Ndef(\k,Pbind(\instrument, \kick, \dur, 1))

The Impulse never retriggers, so the DFM1 has no source on which to operate.


I was using the Impulse to get the DFM1 to get going and self oscillate so I then run an env on it and thats the only part I try to re-triger … or so I was thinking…

I guess Im confused as p.set(\trig, 1) retrigs

adding \trig, 1 to the Ndef re-trigs it but the synths pile up. :confounded: and setting

doneAction:2 you loose the ability to re-trig it :expressionless:

Use Pmono to run one synth and .set it.
