I am open-sourcing my project, “Sound as pure form”, aka “sapf”, which I first wrote in 2011.
It is a mostly functional, stack based, postfix syntax language, with pervasive auto-mapping of functions over lazy lists, in a similar way to how APL maps functions over arrays.
It is not a replacement for SuperCollider, but it is a delightful toy that has some nice properties.
It currently only runs on MacOS.
There are sound examples posted here on SoundCloud: Stream sound as pure form | Listen to music albums online for free on SoundCloud
The Github repository is here: https://github.com/lfnoise/sapf
The README.txt file gives a brief description, set-up instructions, and syntax description.
There is a file of code examples for generating sounds, many which are translations of SuperCollider v2 examples.
There is not nearly enough documentation, but there is a one line help for each function.
I have other things to do for the next month or so, so I may not be able to give much support or review any pull requests during this time.