Sound as Pure Form - open sourced, repo on GitHub

I am open-sourcing my project, “Sound as pure form”, aka “sapf”, which I first wrote in 2011.
It is a mostly functional, stack based, postfix syntax language, with pervasive auto-mapping of functions over lazy lists, in a similar way to how APL maps functions over arrays.
It is not a replacement for SuperCollider, but it is a delightful toy that has some nice properties.
It currently only runs on MacOS.

There are sound examples posted here on SoundCloud: Stream sound as pure form | Listen to music albums online for free on SoundCloud

The Github repository is here:

The README.txt file gives a brief description, set-up instructions, and syntax description.
There is a file of code examples for generating sounds, many which are translations of SuperCollider v2 examples.
There is not nearly enough documentation, but there is a one line help for each function.

I have other things to do for the next month or so, so I may not be able to give much support or review any pull requests during this time.


Is there any reason not to try compiling on Linux? Any missing dependencies? We can try.

It uses AudioUnits for playback, but that should be easy to fix. I was going to use RtAudio instead. It also uses ExtAudioFile for audio file I/O. And it uses the Accelerate framework for FFT. And it uses some graphics APIs for creating spectrogram images.


Thank you James! I look forward to playing with it.

Josh Parmenter


James thank you ! Very generous of you
Amazing I can’t wait to try

Awesome News

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excited to try! My first job in the early 80s was coding audio routines in FORTH for games on early Japanese personal machines (Sharp and Epson IIRC). FORTH was a joy…

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Thanks for sharing this! Immensely appreciated!