Starting an User Group in Copenhagen

Here we go!
People in Copenhagen and around, let’s build a community :robot: :space_invader: :japanese_ogre: :ghost: :alien: :bomb: :heart:

So, the previous event was canceled, and now we are starting again:
First SuperCollider User Group Meeting in Copenhagen, Sep 17 at 18:00 CEST{"event_action_history"%3A[{"mechanism"%3A"surface"%2C"surface"%3A"create_dialog"}]}

Online option: we are experimenting with a mixed setup, where it will also possible to participate online. If you want to participate or hang out at this meeting, I’ll be posting a link to a jitsi room shortly before the date!

The theme of this meeting is that it is our first meeting. So it will be a lot about what experiences brought people to the meeting, what have we done with SuperCollider in the past (if any), what we found interesting about it, brainstorming on what we could do with it, and also introduce to SC and (mutual) help if needed.

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For everyone not able to attend physically, here is a jitsi meeting room:

It’s our first time, don’t expect extreme qualities :slight_smile: But we’ll work more on it for the future

We start at kl.18 CEST (in 15 minutes!) !

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