Strange findRegexp behaviour


doesn’t work but


does. Is it normal?

Your slash is the wrong way, and it seems there needs to be two of them as forward slash is the escape character (I did not know this and seems a little odd).


// an alternative

this is super strange and not as per documentation (“using Perl standard”)

/d+ is the perl expression :slight_smile:

and 2 backslashes would escape a single backslash, no?

this is a strange behaviour - I think (if not a bug) we’d need to add a translation table for the standard?

Ah, but it is in the boost guide that the docs link too,
Perl Regular Expression Syntax - 1.69.0,
where it is \d+.

Yea, the second backslash (or are they forward, meh) I guess is needed to escape the first, makes sense given supercollider parses it before passing it to boost, just creates an odd syntax.

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ok I’ll try to propose a PR to the helpfile to make it clearer if I find a way (and the time)


You have misread, the page you linked also says \d is the digit character class.

If I remember my logic classes, also is inclusive right? :smiley:

/d doesn’t work. \d doesn’t work. \\d works. I use regex and SC daily and this was a surprise. i pitty the beginner, so I’ll try to make the helpfile helpful.

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“also” here means, the SC, Perl, and Boost documentation are all correct, and you are mistaken. /d is a modifier or just a literal and \d is the digit character class. You can test this on many websites or in a Perl interpreter yourself. For instance:

perl -e 'print "1" =~ /\d/;' # prints "1"
perl -e 'print "1" =~ /\/d/;' # prints nothing
-> d+

So if you write \d into the string literal, you haven’t written a string containing backslash-d.

-> \d+

The double backslash isn’t regex syntax. Within a string or 'symbol' literal, it’s the way to write a single backslash (because it’s necessary for SC syntax to disambiguate between backslash as an escape character and backslash as a real character in the resulting string).

It’s not even that odd, since it’s following precedent from C and basically all C derivatives (java etc).

It gets quite intricate in regular expression literals though. I might have gotten it right the first time on perhaps fewer than half a dozen occasions.
