i think i have found a solution to latch the trigger frequency. The difference is subtle to the original version. I have added an initial trigger, Latch
and no subtraction of SampleDur.ir
before the last wrap. compare it with the initial one, once more shared down below. To have a closer look i have used the function ~zoomIn
shared in this thread: Offset x-axis of function plot - #4 by TXMod
var getRandomPeriods = { |rate, randomness|
var randomPeriod = Ddup(2, (2 ** (Dwhite(-1.0, 1.0) * randomness))) / rate;
Duty.ar(randomPeriod, DC.ar(0), 1 / randomPeriod);
var rampToRandom_NEW = { |rate, randomness|
var initTrigger = Impulse.ar(0);
var randomPeriod = getRandomPeriods.(rate, randomness);
var trig = Changed.ar(randomPeriod) > 0 + initTrigger;
var accum = Duty.ar(SampleDur.ir, trig, Dseries(0, 1));
var slope = randomPeriod * SampleDur.ir;
(slope * accum).wrap(0, 1);
rampToRandom_NEW.(\tFreq.kr(500), \randomness.kr(1));
// same here for closer inspection of the different parts with the ~zoomIn function
var getRandomPeriods = { |rate, randomness|
var randomPeriod = Ddup(2, (2 ** (Dwhite(-1.0, 1.0) * randomness))) / rate;
Duty.ar(randomPeriod, DC.ar(0), 1 / randomPeriod);
~rampToRandom_NEW = {
var randomPeriod, trig, accum, slope, phase;
randomPeriod = getRandomPeriods.(\rate.kr(500), \randomness.kr(1));
trig = Changed.ar(randomPeriod) > 0 + Impulse.ar(0);
accum = Duty.ar(SampleDur.ir, trig, Dseries(0, 1));
slope = Latch.ar(randomPeriod, trig) * SampleDur.ir;
phase = (slope * accum).wrap(0, 1);
[randomPeriod / 1500, trig, phase];
~zoomIn.(~rampToRandom_NEW, 3);
and while trying out different things, came up with this rampSelfModLatch
var getPeriods = { |rate|
Duty.ar(1 / rate, DC.ar(0), rate);
var rampSelfModLatch = { |rate|
var initTrigger = Impulse.ar(0);
var period = getPeriods.(rate);
var trig = Changed.ar(period) > 0 + initTrigger;
var accum = Duty.ar(SampleDur.ir, trig, Dseries(0, 1));
var slope = period * SampleDur.ir;
(slope * accum).wrap(0, 1);
var rateMod = 2 ** (SinOsc.ar(50) * \randomness.kr(2));
var rate = \rate.kr(500) * rateMod;
// same here for closer inspection of the different parts with the ~zoomIn function
var getPeriods = { |rate|
Duty.ar(1 / rate, DC.ar(0), rate);
~rampSelfModLatch = {
var rate, rateMod, phase;
var period, trig, slope, accum;
rateMod = 2 ** (SinOsc.ar(50) * \randomness.kr(2));
rate = \rate.kr(500) * rateMod;
period = getPeriods.(rate);
trig = Changed.ar(period) > 0 + Impulse.ar(0);
accum = Duty.ar(SampleDur.ir, trig, Dseries(0, 1));
slope = Latch.ar(period, trig) * SampleDur.ir;
phase = (slope * accum).wrap(0, 1);
[period / 2500, trig, phase];
~zoomIn.(~rampSelfModLatch, 3);
That was the initial attempt:
// initial attempt for closer inspection of the different parts with the ~zoomIn function
var getRandomPeriods = { |rate, randomness|
var randomPeriod = Ddup(2, (2 ** (Dwhite(-1.0, 1.0) * randomness))) / rate;
Duty.ar(randomPeriod, DC.ar(0), 1 / randomPeriod);
~rampToRandom_OLD = { |rate, randomness|
var randomPeriod = getRandomPeriods.(\tFreq.kr(500), \randomness.kr(1));
var trig = Changed.ar(randomPeriod) > 0;
var accum = Duty.ar(SampleDur.ir, trig, Dseries(0, 1));
var slope = randomPeriod * SampleDur.ir;
var phase = accum * slope;
(phase - SampleDur.ir).wrap(0, 1);
[randomPeriod / 1500, trig, phase];
~zoomIn.(x, ~rampToRandom_OLD);
function for closer inspection:
~zoomIn = { |func, n|
func.loadToFloatArray(0.021, action: { |array|
var d, u;
d = array.as(Array).clump(n).flop; // split into n arrays
// d[0].size.debug("d[0].size");
u = ScaledUserViewContainer(nil, Rect(10, 35, 490, 400));
u.maxZoom = 30; // set higher if you want more zoom range
u.unscaledDrawFunc = { |view|
d.do({ |item, i|
var col = [Color.red, Color.blue, Color.gray][i];
Pen.color = col;
Pen.moveTo(0 @ item[0]);
item.do({ |val, ind|
var x = ind / item.size;
var y = (1 - val) ;
Pen.lineTo(view.translateScale(Point(x, y)));
}.defer // defer gui process
Could someone have a look at the different examples. What do you think?