SuperCollider, AI and Machine Learning

Are there any well-known cases demonstrating the use of SuperCollider in an AI and machine learning context? A link to provide?

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I think the fantastic Rebecca Fiebrink has also had artists linking her Wekinator to SC via OSC. @tedmoore and @Sam_Pluta would know more, and both have used Python bridges before FluCoMa was usable.

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and Nick Collins had a few things going too but I am less aware of their state and results.


SCMIR provides some machine learning functionality (some native SC code, some calling to externals) and examples:

There is a nice upcoming chapter by Chris Kiefer and Shelly Knotts on machine learning and SC for the second edition SC Book (but I don’t know how long that will be in press). In the mean time though, you could look into their various publications and music for lots of related examples:

Plenty of others have used SC with AI techniques.
