SuperCollider to TouchDesigner?

Is it possible to send OSC messages from SuperCollider to TouchDesigner to create and manipulate visuals as you manipulate audio? I couldn’t find any documentation or resources on this. I’ve asked this same question in the TouchDesigner forum but I’m not sure how active it is there. I’m taking my chances on someone here who has worked in TouchDesigner. I’d appreciate any help

I don’t think so. I actually made an app called OUI that does just this, though. It is iOS only, but I need to do some little updates for it to be made available again.

If you are using an iOS device, let me know and I’ll get it available or send you a TestFlight version to try.


Josh Parmenter


I’m on iOS! I’d appreciate the help

Not familiar with TouchDesigner, but if it supports OSC you only need the OSC interface (address). From SC you can send whatever OSC messages you like. Maybe I didn’t understand the problem.

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Yes it works. Just use OSCIn chop in touchdesigner and make sure your IPaddress is set to local ( or whatever machine you want to recieve from, and the make sure your port number is the same on both.