Syntax shortcut for multiple


Is there any syntax shortcut for reading a couple of buffer paths stored into an array (copy + pasted from the desktop environment) ?

Something like multichannel expansion:

# a, b, c, d =, 

In the case of working with environment variables, the most compact alternative would be this?

currentEnvironment.putEach([\edrum, \perc, \adrum, \piano], 

I don’t think so.

It is probably better to store them in an event within the environment.

~snds = (
   \funk : "path",
).collect(,_) )

Nevertheless, there is this option… I’m on mobile so can’t test, but this should work…

currentEnvironment = currentEnvironment ++ ~snds;
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I’d store the Buffers in an Array. If you want to use the names, an Event, as @jordan said, is a good solution. You could employ PathName, e.g.:

~path = PathName(/* path to folder with audio files */);

// array storage
~bufs = ~path.files.collect { |p|, p.fullPath) };

// event storage
~bufs = (); { |p| ~bufs.put(p.fileNameWithoutExtension.asSymbol,, p.fullPath)) }

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