When sending a two-channel signal to a Ugen than expects one channel (e.g. Pan2, GVerb), the output is a nested array:
[ [ a BinaryOpUGen, a BinaryOpUGen ], [ a BinaryOpUGen, a BinaryOpUGen ] ]
while you get the warning:
WARNING: Synth output should be a flat array.
Node proxies automatically flatten the array to a four-element array ([ a BinaryOpUGen, a BinaryOpUGen, a BinaryOpUGen, a BinaryOpUGen ]) which is not ideal since two of the channels are assigned to extra buses.
Manually this can be fixed, for example:
y = {
var x, left=[], right=[];
x = Pan2.ar(SinOsc.ar([100,101]));
arg array;
x = [Mix.ar(left), Mix.ar(right)];
Is there perhaps a Ugen that does explicitly this job?
Does anybody know how the method {}.play handles this situation?
Another thing that might come up is when you have an array of this structure
[ [L, L, ...], [R, R, ...] ]
This can be squished to stereo with .collect(_.sum).
Play wraps the output in a Mix if it isn’t flat. asBuffer, however will just take the first index of each sub array. Personally I think an exception should be thrown if you output a nested array as I can’t think of any instances where you would actually need that.
You can also use Splay to spread an array of any size across the stereo field, it is nice and quick and works like a charm if you don’t feel the need to be specific about the exact panning of each element and just want a nice spread.