Title: Expanding SuperCollider Noise Synthesis with Multichannel Output and JitLib Integration
Hi everyone,
I’ve been working on a SuperCollider patch for noise synthesis and modulation, and I wanted to share and discuss some enhancements to the code, including multichannel output and proper use of the JitLib
library. Here’s a breakdown of the original setup and the modifications to include JitLib
for better multichannel management. Can you please explain me how to properly do this, by explaining me how to correctly write the code, by addressing jitlib multichannel expansion correctly?
Original Code Overview
The initial code snippet sets up a basic noise synthesis environment with frequency modulation, multiple noise sources, and a selected waveform. Here’s a quick rundown of what the original code does:
Server Reboot and ProxySpace Setup:
( s = Server.default; s.reboot; ) p = ProxySpace.push(s);
Noise Synthesis and Modulation Definition:
~out1 = {Mix.fill(32,{ var freqMod, modDepth, signal, waveform, noise1, noise2, noiseSources; // Modulate frequency with nested SinOsc.kr freqMod = rrand(0.5,2)*XLine.kr(0.01, 10, 60, doneAction: 2); // Frequency modulation modDepth = SinOsc.kr(freqMod, mul: freqMod); // Depth modulation signal = SinOsc.kr(modDepth, mul: modDepth); // Further modulation // Create an array of noise sources with modulation applied noiseSources = [ { LFDNoise0.kr(signal) }, { LFDNoise1.kr(signal) }, { LFDNoise3.kr(signal) }, { LFDClipNoise.kr(signal) }, ]; // Select a waveform waveform = [Saw, Pulse].choose; // Select two noise sources and apply them with an offset noise1 = noiseSources.choose; noise2 = noiseSources.choose; // Generate the audio signal with selected waveform and noise sources FreeVerb.ar( waveform.ar( [ TRand.kr(99, 2000, noise1), TRand.kr(99, 2000, noise2) ] ), mul: 1/32 // Set output volume ) })}; // Play ~out1 ~out1.play;