“Hallo world”.nl,
I am back to Supercollider after a long brake and I need help big time.
I am trying to use the SC to trigger groups of midi messages to control different devices (looper, guitar synth and digital mixer) in a predetermined sequence.
The messages need to be triggered throughout the song using one midi message to trigger the (sets of) midi messages step by step (like you would do it in QLab)
So far I managed to get the control message in via the MIDIDef and managed to send those messages to a Bus.
I’ve also succesfully sent the midi messages out, triggered by those messages.
But this is the problem:
I wanted to count the incoming midi messages (with counter or stepper) and then use the current value of the stepper to trigger the presets of midi messages via the if function. Problem is I can’t get that to work.
I actually don’t know should I use MIDIDef of SynthDef for this conversion. I also saw somewhere that if function is not operating like you would expect it inside the SynthDef.
I tried everything I could and I could be very close to the solution but I am not very skilled in SC and can’t wrap my head around this problem.
I don’t expect anyone to solve the problem for me but if someone can send me in the right direction, that would be most appreciated.
Kind regards,