Hello all,
I don’t seem to be able to run the example below from the NRT Synthesis helpfile. I’ve also tried another similar code posted in the forum with no success. Every time, it seems that the score doesn’t create the resultpath
file. So when the script attempts to read it, I get a message:
ERROR: Message 'readData' not understood. RECEIVER: nil
The oscpathfile
is created though, so it’s not a write access problem.
Any ideas?
I’m on Windows.
fork {
var server = Server(\nrt,
options: ServerOptions.new
var resultbuf, resultpath, oscpath, score, dur, sf, cond, size, data;
// get duration
sf = SoundFile.openRead(Platform.resourceDir +/+ "sounds/a11wlk01.wav");
dur = sf.duration;
resultpath = PathName.tmp +/+ UniqueID.next ++ ".aiff";
oscpath = PathName.tmp +/+ UniqueID.next ++ ".osc";
score = Score([
[0, (resultbuf = Buffer.new(server, 1000, 1, 0)).allocMsg],
[0, [\d_recv, SynthDef(\onsets, {
var sig = SoundIn.ar(0), // will come from NRT input file
fft = FFT(LocalBuf(512, 1), sig),
trig = Onsets.kr(fft),
// count the triggers: this is the index to save the data into resultbuf
i = PulseCount.kr(trig),
// count time in seconds
timer = Sweep.ar(1);
// 'i' must be audio-rate for BufWr.ar
BufWr.ar(timer, resultbuf, K2A.ar(i), loop: 0);
BufWr.kr(i, resultbuf, DC.kr(0), 0); // # of points in index 0
[0, Synth.basicNew(\onsets, server, 1000).newMsg],
[dur, resultbuf.writeMsg(resultpath, headerFormat: "AIFF", sampleFormat: "float")]
cond = Condition.new;
// osc file path, output path, input path - input is soundfile to analyze
score.recordNRT(oscpath, "NUL", sf.path, sampleRate: sf.sampleRate,
options: ServerOptions.new
action: { cond.unhang } // this re-awakens the process after NRT is finished
cond.hang; // wait for completion
sf = SoundFile.openRead(resultpath);
// get the size: one frame at the start
sf.readData(size = FloatArray.newClear(1));
size = size[0];
// now the rest of the data
sf.readData(data = FloatArray.newClear(size));
data.postln; // these are your onsets!