Underwater - My first piece in the world of supercollider

This is my first piece of music in the world of supercollider, based on the divisors of a number, which I would like to share, both for tips for the code on how to improve it while keeping the music the same and for tips on music. I would like to make the music more fade away at the end. How would I do this, so that it does not end abruptly?

Youtube: Underwater (Supercollider) - YouTube

Code: Underwater

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Really nice !

For example, instead of sending your Synths to the bus 0, you could send them to a separated “Mixer” Synth with a nice release time that you could release while playing your pattern.


// An audio bus that will receive the Synths output

// A mixer that will push the Synths output to a physical output
// With a 3 second release time.
SynthDef(\mixall,{ |in=0, out=0|
	var sig=In.ar(in,2);
	var env=EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0,1,3,\lin),\gate.kr(1), doneAction:2);

// A pattern, which output is the audio bus and that must be placed **before**the mixer
p=Pbind(\dur, 0.5, \degree, Prand(Scale.lydianMinor.degrees,16), \before,~mixer, \out,~channel);

        // at the last occurrence, trigger in parallel, while playing,  a "\off" message on the mixer to release it
		// debug
		Pbind(\type, \rest, \dur, Pfuncn({"Releasing...".postln; 1},1)),
		// release the mixer ...
		Pbind(\type, \off, \id, ~mixer.nodeID, \dur, Pn(1,1) ),
		// ... while playing

If you don’t want to modify all your patterns by adding \before and \out, you can write it like this:

p=Pbind(\dur, 0.5, \degree, Prand(Scale.lydianMinor.degrees,16));
		// debug
		Pbind(\type, \rest, \dur, Pfuncn({"Releasing...".postln; 1},1)),
		// release the mixer ...
		Pbind(\type, \off, \id, ~mixer.nodeID, \dur, Pn(1,1) ),
		// ... while playing

// adding \before and \out to the pattern beford playing it
Pfset({~before=topEnvironment[\mixer] ; ~out=topEnvironment[\channel]},m).play;
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One way is to wrap the main sequence in a Pdef which gives you some additional playing options…

// play the main sequence
Pdef(\mplayer, m).clock_(TempoClock(40/60)).play
// fade out over 8 beats
Pdef(\mplayer, Pn(Event.silent)).fadeTime_(8)
// fully stop the sequence
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Thanks for your kind words and the code example!

Thanks for the code example. Nice youtube channel with supercollider music! :slight_smile:

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