Hey there, this is probably one specifically Sam Pluta but appreciate any help
I am trying to use BuffFFT within a synthdef, played back with pmono. The below code works for calling Synth(), but not with pmono. I pass the analysis array of buffers to BufFFTTrigger as a ref array, but I still only hear one of the two overlaps when I use pmono.
~makeSpec = {|file, dict, fftSize, overlaps=2|
dict.put(\filepath, file);
dict.put(\file, Buffer.readChannel(s, file, channels: [0]));
dict.put(\fftSize, fftSize);
//overlaps hardcoded
// dict.put(\overlaps, overlaps);
dict.put(\analysis, Array.fill(overlaps, {Buffer.alloc(s, fftSize)}).asRef);
SynthDef(\fftStretch_mono, {|buf, fftSize, analysis=#[0, 1]|
var sig;
var chain;
var pos;
var startsamp, endsamp;
var bufFrames = BufFrames.kr(buf);
//args equiv to 1/overlap, 0..overlap, overlap for overlap=2
chain = BufFFTTrigger(analysis, 0.5, [0, 1], 2);
//or this?
// chain = BufFFTTrigger(\analysis.ir(#[0, 1]), 0.5, [0, 1], 2);
startsamp = (\pos.kr(0) * bufFrames);
endsamp = startsamp + (\len.kr(1) * bufFrames);
pos = Phasor.ar(
rate: \rate.kr(1),
start: startsamp,
end: endsamp,
chain = BufFFT_BufCopy(chain, buf, pos, BufRateScale.kr(buf));
chain = BufFFT(chain);
chain = PV_Diffuser(chain, chain>(-1));
sig = Mix(BufIFFT(chain, 0)).dup*0.8;
sig = sig * \gain.kr(0).dbamp;
sig = sig * \amp.kr(1);
sig = sig.sanitize;
Out.ar(\out.kr(0), sig);
~makeSpec.(Platform.resourceDir +/+ "sounds/a11wlk01.wav", ~specBuff, 8192, 2)
[buf: ~specBuff.at(\file), analysis: ~specBuff.at(\analysis), fftSize: ~specBuff.at(\fftsize), rate: 0.01, pos: 0.3, len: 0.05])
\buf, ~specBuff.at(\file),
\analysis, ~specBuff.at(\analysis),
\fftSize, ~specBuff.at(\fftSize),
\rate, 0.01,
\pos, 0.3,
\len, 0.05,