V/HLayout inside StackLayout

Hi, I’m trying to create a StackLayout with a VLayout inside, but the following code just creates an empty window:

w = Window()
		VLayout(StaticText().string_("A"), StaticText().string_("B")),
		VLayout(StaticText().string_("C"), StaticText().string_("D"))

I would have expected that StackLayout can be combined in the same manner as VLayout with HLayout:

w = Window()
		VLayout(StaticText().string_("A"), StaticText().string_("B")),
		VLayout(StaticText().string_("C"), StaticText().string_("D"))

This seems to be a documented limitation of StackLayout:

StackLayout.new( … views)

Creates a StackLayout and fills it with the items given as arguments. The first view becomes the current one, i.e. visible and on top of others.


… views A sequence of views. Unlike other layouts, StackLayout can not contain another layout.

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As long as your layouts are contained within views you can add them to the StackLayout

w = Window()
        View().layout_(VLayout(StaticText().string_("A"), StaticText().string_("B"))),
        View().layout_(VLayout(StaticText().string_("C"), StaticText().string_("D")))
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ouch…now that you mention this, I’ve actually used this “trick” in the past, I must be getting old…

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Perfect, this works for me! Thanks a lot!