VSTPlugin.ar Omnisphere

Im trying to get Omnisphere running with the VST Plugin and not quite sure how its done.

SynthDef(\insert, { 
	arg bus;
	var sig;
	sig = In.ar(bus, 2);
	sig = VSTPlugin.ar(sig, 2);
    ReplaceOut.ar(bus, sig);

    ~fx = VSTPluginController(Synth(\insert,[\bus, 0])).open("C:/Program Files/VSTPlugins/Omnisphere.dll");


when i use the GUI there are no Parameters available.
I also tried another VST: Spitfire Audio LABS Choir. I have Parameters in the GUI but dont know how to use a Pbind to sequence the instrument.

SynthDef(\insert, { 
	arg bus;
	var sig;
	sig = In.ar(bus, 2);
	sig = VSTPlugin.ar(sig, 2);
    ReplaceOut.ar(bus, sig);

~fx = VSTPluginController(Synth(\insert,[\bus, 0])).open("C:/Program Files/Steinberg/VSTPlugins/LABS (64 Bit).dll");


    \type, \vst_set,
    \vst, ~fx,
	\midinote, 60,
    \dur, Prand([0.25, 0.5, 1], inf)

any suggestions? thanks :slight_smile:


Im trying to get Omnisphere running with the VST Plugin and not quite sure how its done.

Generally, Omnisphere should work fine: VST not playing - how to debug (#62) · Issues · Pure Data libraries / vstplugin · GitLab

open("C:/Program Files/VSTPlugins/Omnisphere.dll");

Generally, it’s better to first do a VSTPlugin.search, then you can simply open the plugin by its name/key, e.g. open("Omnisphere"), which has the big advantage that it’s crossplatform.

when i use the GUI there are no Parameters available.

You have to open the plugin with the VST editor enabled: open("Omnisphere", editor: true), and then you can call .editor. If your on macOS, you need Supercollider 3.11!

I have Parameters in the GUI but dont know how to use a Pbind to sequence the instrument.

Checkout the section “VST Instruments” in VSTPluginController.schelp, or even better: read the whole introduction :wink:
