VSTPlugin v0.6.0 -- final release!

Hi everyone,

I have just released VSTPlugin v0.6.0: v0.6.0 · Pure Data libraries / vstplugin · GitLab

It contains lots of bug fixes and improvements, so please upgrade!

IMPORTANT: previous versions would hide certain (non-automatable) parameters in VST3 plugins. This has been fixed, but as a consequence, parameter indices might have changed. VSTPlugin prints a warning for every plugin that is affected by this change!

Please report any issues at Issues · Pure Data libraries / vstplugin · GitLab.

Have fun!



hi christof!

i was trying to install Signalizer from

but got this error:

probing /usr/lib/vst/Signalizer Linux VST 0.3.2/Signalizer.so... couldn't load! /usr/lib/vst/Signalizer Linux VST 0.3.2/Signalizer.so: undefined symbol: snd_pcm_hw_params_test_rate

do you know how can i fixed it?
thx in advance!!


Looks like the plugin requires libalsa (for whatever reasons).

i have alsa-lib and pipewire-alsa here (i’m on arch linux)… :thinking:

i think its a plugin problem
[old, changed juce/cmake/gcc something that i just dont know :confused: ] –
thx anyway

I am now trying out the VCV Rack 2 plugin and it seems that the parameters are for some reason not accessible from the host. E.g. in Reaper or Max when a preset is open, there is a list of parameters automatable in the host (representing knobs on certain modules within VCV Rack), and the rest of the list are unassigned parameters (e.g. [75] Unassigned #0076 ()), which is correct. The list starts like this:

“Level (VCV Audio 2 [7964931035519306])”
#1 (VCV VCO [2592833091119326])”
“Sync mode (VCV VCO [2592833091119326])”
“Frequency (VCV VCO [2592833091119326])”
#4 (VCV VCO [2592833091119326])”
“Frequency modulation (VCV VCO [2592833091119326])”
“Pulse width (VCV VCO [2592833091119326])”
“Pulse width modulation (VCV VCO [2592833091119326])”

Whereas the VSTPluginController (in SC) only shows the list of unassigned param names and values as if the list wasn’t updated after opening the clean plugin with no modules - so all params are labeled as “Unassigned #XXXX”, except for the first parameter “0 Level (VCV Audio 2 [7964931035519306])”. I suppose this is a bug? It would be great if the parameters could be automated and would be at least updated based on the loaded preset, if not in real time (when the module gets added in VCV Rack).

Whereas the VSTPluginController (in SC) only shows the list of unassigned param names and values as if the list wasn’t updated after opening the clean plugin

Yes, VSTPlugin currently uses fixed parameter names.

It would be great if the parameters could be automated and would be at least updated based on the loaded preset

Please open a feature request: Issues · Pure Data libraries / vstplugin · GitLab

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