What are the most commonly used classes in SuperCollider?


Is there any data on what are the most commonly used classes in supercollider? I think this would be useful information to anyone trying to uncover their own coding biases or blind spots in their knowledge, and could be valuable to educators for the same reason. Out of curiosity I decided to search my own files to see what my most used classes are (on this machine). I used the following Terminal commands to list my top 100 (I’m not going to spam the forum with a complete list):

cd /parent/path/to/your/sc/files/
grep -Ewroh --include \*.scd '[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]+' . | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -n 100

WARNING: I am inexperienced with grep and regular expressions, so I’m not totally sure that’s the correct command. Im attempting to recursively look through all *.scd files and count all occurrences of capitalized words containing alphanumeric characters, which I believe is the only indicator that a token is a class, but if anyone sees an error or knows a better way please feel free to share. One problem for certain is that the result includes commented-out class names and other capitalized words in comments, which I would like to avoid, but maybe someone has written a script to do a more precise analysis.

Anyways, here is my top 100, and feel free to share your own results!

1699 Pseq
 882 SinOsc
 661 Out
 655 Env
 641 Ndef
 588 Pwhite
 568 SynthDef
 480 Pbind
 369 Pn
 324 Rand
 316 Pkey
 304 EnvGen
 280 Synth
 272 Pfunc
 251 Pexprand
 251 Pan2
 236 Pdef
 189 In
 182 Pwrand
 178 LFNoise1
 174 Impulse
 171 Prand
 142 LeakDC
 141 Buffer
 130 Pstutter
 126 LPF
 122 Spec
 115 Pbindef
 114 Array
 111 Pbindf
 108 Pfindur
 105 Bus
 105 BPF
 102 Balance2
  99 MIDIdef
  95 PinkNoise
  90 Mix
  88 Pdefn
  87 Pseg
  82 WhiteNoise
  82 Ppar
  81 Rect
  80 Pen
  79 Saw
  78 Color
  69 MouseX
  68 OffsetOut
  67 Pshuf
  67 DetectSilence
  65 Scale
  63 Sweep
  63 PlayBuf
  63 DelayN
  61 Pseries
  61 Hasher
  60 RLPF
  60 Pgauss
  60 FFT
  58 HPF
  56 LFNoise2
  54 Pmono
  52 TempoClock
  52 Psine
  52 LFSaw
  51 MouseY
  50 Splay
  49 RHPF
  49 MixerChannel
  47 Signal
  46 Window
  45 XLine
  42 ExpRand
  40 Instr
  39 LFTri
  38 LocalBuf
  37 Pxrand
  37 Plazy
  36 Line
  36 CombN
  35 IFFT
  35 Group
  33 XFade2
  33 Quark
  32 Limiter
  32 Dust
  31 ControlSpec
  30 OnePole
  29 Routine
  29 Pbjorklund2
  29 PathName
  28 Pulse
  28 Pseed
  27 ServerTree
  27 LFPulse
  27 BufRateScale
  26 PmonoArtic
  26 ObjectSpec
  26 Button
  25 TRand
  25 Pbrown

very cool! here’s mine (some are my own classes + I use a shortcut for Pbind and Pseq [].p and [].q or those would be higher on the list for sure)

831 Song
 781 Env
 666 Out
 628 Pseq
 590 SinOsc
 509 PlayBuf
 460 SynthDef
 428 Synth
 284 EnvGen
 267 Pwhite
 220 Pan2
 217 Buffer
 209 FreeVerb
 203 Saw
 202 In
 190 Effect
 180 Pbind
 164 SchaferHouse
 163 NodeProxy
 149 Bus
 147 Mix
 145 Array
 130 Line
 123 WhiteNoise
 114 SoundFile
 109 PartConv
 103 TempoClock
 103 Reaper
 101 Rand
 101 Item
 101 Impulse
  99 Server
  99 Library
  97 Pbindf
  96 Rest
  96 LFNoise1
  95 PinkNoise
  95 LocalBuf
  93 LFBrownNoise2
  87 Sargon
  84 Splay
  83 MoogFF
  81 Routine
  80 Pkey
  75 Vowel
  74 Doctor
  74 Color
  69 Part
  66 Pulse
  65 Ppar
  65 PlateReverb
  64 Prand
  64 HPF
  62 EchoNone
  61 XLine
  57 MegaBind
  56 Synths
  56 LPF
  54 Task
  54 Phaser2
  53 Scale
  53 Rect
  53 Ndef
  53 LFBrownNoise1
  53 Gendy1
  49 Pdef
  47 Pset
  47 Pmono
  46 Spock
  46 Dust
  46 DelayN
  45 Mode
  44 Window
  44 TwoTube
  44 SystemClock
  44 Pmul
  44 Play
  43 IR
  42 Trek
  42 DetectSilence
  40 Thalassa
  40 Saane
  39 Group
  39 FFT
  37 Vibrato
  37 BPF
  35 Pfunc
  35 Pbindef
  35 And
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Good idea! Looking at my own list, I probably should use those shortcuts as well, at least for Pseq