Why can't I use asMap for midinote in a Pbind?


Running SC 3.11 on Mac OS 10.14.6

I can map a bus to a Pbind freq, but not to the midinote. Anybody knows why ?

SynthDef(\sine, { |bus = 0, freq = 440|
    var sig;
    sig = SinOsc.ar(freq.poll(1) ! 2) * EnvGen.ar(Env.perc, doneAction: Done.freeSelf);
    Out.ar(bus, sig);

// OK, I'm getting normal values such as
// UGen(OutputProxy): 277.183

Pdef(\test, Pbind(*[
	instrument: \sine,
	midinote: Pseq((60..80), inf),
	dur: 1/4

// create bus
b = Bus.control(s, 1);

// output values from 60 to 80 to bus b
{ Out.kr(b, SinOsc.ar(1/10).range(60,80).round) }.play;

// it looks like the midinote conversion is not applied and the bus value is directly forwarded to freq
// UGen(OutputProxy): 67
Pdef(\test, Pbind(
	\instrument, \sine,
	\midinote, b.asMap,
	\dur, 1/4

Thanks !

Hi, you can only map buses to server-side SynthDef controls. midinote is a language-only parameter which is converted to freq before sending to the server.

Got it ! Thank you !