Why does PLn(PLseq(...)) yield nil right away?

I’m trying to adapt one of the PLx help pages example by removing some lookup indirection. Alas it doesn’t seem to work as expected

~b = [1, 2, 3];
r = PLn(PLseq(\b, cutItems: false)).asStream;
r.nextN(2); // -> [nil, nil]

With PL or Pn instead of PLn it works “fine”… well at least it doesn’t return nil right away, but of course there’s immediate replacement with those if ~b is changed.

This seems to be an incosistency, thanks for the report. I’d need more free time to look into it - which I haven’t right now …

However for the moment you can do this:

~b = [1, 2, 3];
~p = PLseq(\b);
r = PLn(\p).asStream;
r.nextN(2);  // -> [1, 2]

The problem is that PLn always does a lookup for its item, so it doesn’t seem to accept an object other than a symbol for item:

PLn : Pn {
	var <>item, <>repeats, <>envir;
	*new { |item, repeats = inf, envir = \current|
			Plazy({ envir.miSC_getEnvir[item] }), // <-  always lookup
			PL(repeats, repeats, 1, envir)
	storeArgs { ^[item, repeats, envir] }