Will the unimplemented Pen methods still be implemented in SC3.xx?

Hi there,

Will the unimplemented Pen methods still be implemented in SC3.xx?
They seem to be at least as follows:

  • Pen.setShadow
  • Pen.beginTransparencyLayer
  • Pen.endTransparencyLayer
  • Pen.blendMode

Just a question out of curiosity…

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The pen class uses QPainter under the hood, so anything operation present in QPainter is relatively easy to implement if it’s not already implemented. My guess is that the methods you mentioned don’t have an equivalent, but it might be worth looking?
But in general, I don’t think there are active efforts to expand QT drawing capabilities.

I don’t use Pen that much. But every now and then I look at all the methods in the Pen help document and some of them are still not implemented and it has been almost ten years since I first looked at them. Is it realistic to assume that the unimplemented methods are rather obsolete and deprecated? Then I would make a PR to remove them.

Why don’t you make a list of all that’s missing and create an issue, if it’s as easy as some of the other Qt stuff, I’ll have a crack at it.


Thanks, done!