Window position argument for s.scope, s.meter, s.plotTree, s.freqscope

Hi there,

I made a PR to add an extra argument to define the window position for s.scope:

Would adding the same to s.meter, s.plotTree, s.freqscope be useful for many users? For me, it seems to be useful…


Yes that would be very useful. Would it also be an idea to include a window/view argument which defaults to nil but if specified would allow these windows to appear inside a user defined window or view?


I did this for s.meter, s.plotTree, but left s.freqscope as it is:

I am not sure if I should add the changes for s.meter and s.plotTree to the PR above or separately as some of them are in the same source files.

A demo video is included in the article above.

I think there are corresponding classes for each method to do what you mention, except for the .plotTree method:

  • .meter: ServerMeterView
  • .freqscope: FreqScopeView
  • .scope: ScopeView | SuperCollider 3.12.2 Help
  • .plotTree: no corresponding Class, I believe. Previously, I did the following thing to change window bounds:
    s.plotTree;{ |win| if ( == "localhost Node Tree") {    win.bounds = Rect(0, 0, 300, 800) }
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I also added bounds argument to the plotTree method in the same PR. I am not sure which of the following is better for the `.meter’ method because the size of a meter is calculated automatically:

  • the argument `bounds
  • the argument point.

I prefer point, but would like to know what other users think.

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