It should be implemented, and actually on my system (linux) I hear your example clearly crossfading (just to be clear: the end of the loop fades out while the beginning of a new loop fades in).
did you install this version from github? and for which OS?
yes, the version i installed is 0.1.2 for mac os.
I’m on a M1 mac and i rebuilt the extension on my own. It’s the first time i recompile an ugen, so maybe i did something wrong (although it semt like the build process was clean). In any case, all other features of the ugen are working properly…
Ok, thanks! I might have created some confusion with branches, did you perhaps build the main branch? main was still on 0.1.1, while 0.1.2 was on a branch called feature/xloopbuf.
Now I’ve merged them, so that if you pull the latest main you’re going to build 0.1.2.
And I’ve also updated the releases: you now can download a pre-compiled version for M1 as well, so you don’t need to build from source if that was the only reason.