AOO 2.0-pre4 released!

I’m happy to announce the release of AOO 2.0-pre4!

Here you can download pre-built binaries for Windows, macOS and Linux: Download

AOO is a lightweight and flexible peer-to-peer audio streaming and messaging solution. It allows to send audio and messages in real time and on demand between arbitrary network endpoints, not only in local networks, but also over the public internet!

The underlying C/C++ library can be easily embedded in host applications or plugins and even runs on embedded devices, such as the ESP32.

For more information, see the AOO website or read this article.

Note: this is the first AOO pre-release that contains a SuperCollider extension, so I’m happy about any feedback regarding the interface. (Just leave a comment in this thread.)

Please report any issues at our issue tracker.

Have fun!


Incredible. Can’t wait to try this out.


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I happy about any feedback regarding the SC interface! It’s still a pre-release so we can easily change things.

Also, please let me know if the documentation is unclear.