NOTAM meetups are starting again! The first is tonight, followed by one a month for the rest of the season.
Everyone is encouraged to stop by whether you are a beginner, advanced, or even simply curious about what SuperCollider can do. If you think you may want to share audio from SuperCollider during the meetup, please take a look at Sharing SuperCollider in Video Conferences for some setup tips.
As in the past, these will happen on Wednesdays at 7pm CET (Oslo time). The meetups are occurring online-only via Zoom, and are graciously organized by Notam and @madskjeldgaard.
Follow this post using the bell icon (right) to see updates to the schedule, and more specific information about meetup topics.
Zoom links for all SC meetups:
Meeting ID : 974 3258 0111
Link : Launch Meeting - Zoom
If you have accessibility related requests or questions about the meetup, please do not hesitate to contant @madskjeldgaard or @scztt and we will do our best to address them.
All community events at Notam fall under the NOTAM Code of Conduct to make them as inclusive as possible. Please follow the link and read the full Code of Conduct before joining an event: Notam Code of Conduct - Notam
Meetup dates
[notam events page]
2022-01-26T18:00:00Z → 8:00 PM
2022-03-03T18:00:00Z → 8:00 PM
2022-03-23T18:00:00Z → 8:00 PM
[[link]]Online SuperCollider meetup - Notam)
2022-04-20T17:00:00Z → 7:00 PM
2022-05-18T17:00:00Z → 7:00 PM
2022-06-15T17:00:00Z → 7:00 PM