Patterns are one, but certainly not the only approach. As always, much depends on personal taste. I think that Patterns are most flexible for granular synthesis, so it might be that a certain bias from my side comes across in miSCellaneous_lib’s Buffer Granulation tutorial, although it contains alternative server-side and hybrid approaches as well.
With Pattern-based granulation, you can do granulation with some hundred grains triggered per second. But indeed, as @scztt points to, you are limited to the overlap of some dozen grains or so. From my experience, not a huge restriction. Instead you gain an enourmous flexibilty in sequencing all parameters of the granulation, including the envelope. This flexibility, in my view, outweighs the “stacking power” of TGrains, GrainBuf and alike. Having said that, I still use both strategies.
GrainBuf with using a number of predefined envelopes, as @TXMod suggests, is also a possibilty, I tried it at some point in the past.
Other options with server-side granulation are there: Buffer Granulation tutorial Ex. 1f uses DXEnvGen – a multichannel envelope generator – for granulation. The DX suite help files contain further examples. There are many ways to define, control, or sequence envelope times and shapes with DX ugens.
miSCellaneous_lib’s Live Granulation tutorial Ex. 1b contains a granulation with server-driven enveloping. This could also be extended to overlapping grain streams.
Some time ago, I sketched a server-side live granulation setup with overlapping that I find quite interesting. It’s not (yet) contained in the live granulation tutorial. In the example below, the envelopes are sine-shaped and dependent on grain duration and overlap restriction (the multichannel size has to be defined beforehand). Obviously, the envelope times could be controlled otherwise.
// boot with extended resources
s.options.numWireBufs = 64 * 16;
s.options.memSize = 8192 * 64;
~maxNumChannels = 30;
~inBus = Bus.audio(s, ~maxNumChannels);
~maxDelay = 0.2;
SynthDef(\granulator_1, {
arg outBus = 0, overallAtt = 0.01, overallRel = 0.1, grainDur = 0.1,
pulseFreq = 10, numChannels = 10, channelOffset = 0,
pos = 0, posDev = 0, delayRange = 5,
gate = 1, preAmp = 1, limitAmp = 0.1;
var maxGrainDur = ~maxNumChannels / pulseFreq - 0.001;
var maxDelay = 20;
var grainEnv = Env.sine(min(maxGrainDur, grainDur));
var trig = Impulse.ar(pulseFreq);
// multichannel trigger
var trigs = { |i|
PulseDivider.ar(trig, ~maxNumChannels, ~maxNumChannels - 1 - i)
} ! ~maxNumChannels;
// multichannel envelope for Grains (multichannel expansion because of trigs)
var grainEnvGens = EnvGen.ar(grainEnv, trigs);
// global env
var envGen = EnvGen.ar(Env.asr(overallAtt, 1, overallRel), 1, doneAction: 2);
// multichannel in signal is wrapped if numChannels < maxNumChannels
var in = { |i|
Select.ar(i % numChannels + channelOffset % ~maxNumChannels, In.ar(~inBus, ~maxNumChannels))
} ! ~maxNumChannels;
var grains = in * grainEnvGens * envGen * preAmp;
var sig;
// core workhorse, each grain gets own position
// array of stereo signals
sig = { |i|
var localPos = (pos.lag(1) + TRand.ar(posDev.neg, posDev, trigs[i])).clip(-1, 1);
var localDelay = LFDNoise3.ar(0.1).range(0, delayRange.lag(1) * 0.001);
Pan2.ar(DelayL.ar(grains[i], ~maxDelay, localDelay), localPos)
} ! ~maxNumChannels;
// mix to stereo
Out.ar(0, Limiter.ar(Mix(sig), limitAmp))
}, metadata: (
specs: (
grainDur: [0.001, 0.2, 3, 0, 0.015],
pulseFreq: [1, 500, 3, 0, 10],
pos: [-1, 1, \lin, 0, 0],
posDev: [0, 0.2, \lin, 0, 0.25],
delayRange: [0, 10, 2, 0, 1],
numChannels: [1, ~maxNumChannels, \lin, 1, ~maxNumChannels],
channelOffset: [0, ~maxNumChannels - 1, \lin, 1, 0],
preAmp: [0, 3, \lin, 0, 0.5],
limitAmp: [0, 0.5, 2, 0, 0.1]
// start gui
// only white noise
x = { Out.ar(~inBus, WhiteNoise.ar(0.1 ! ~maxNumChannels)) }.play
// granulator can continue
// 2 synths play on sub-busses
~n = ~maxNumChannels / 2;
x = { Out.ar(~inBus.subBus(0, ~n), WhiteNoise.ar(0.1 ! ~n)) }.play
y = { Out.ar(~inBus.subBus(~n, ~n), Saw.ar({ exprand(150, 1500) } ! ~n)) }.play
// saw with fixed frequencies
x = { Out.ar(~inBus, Saw.ar({ exprand(100, 3000) } ! ~maxNumChannels, 0.1)) }.play
// glisson synthesis
x = {
LFDNoise3.ar({ rrand(0.1, 5) } ! ~maxNumChannels).exprange(150, 5000),
mul: 0.1
// mixed noise
x = {
var n = ~maxNumChannels.div(3);
WhiteNoise.ar(0.1 ! n),
Impulse.ar({ rrand(1000, 3000) } ! n),
ClipNoise.ar(0.1 ! n)
// mixed sources
x = {
var n = ~maxNumChannels.div(5);
SinOsc.ar(LFDNoise3.ar(0.3 ! n).range(300, 1500), 0, 0.3),
WhiteNoise.ar(0.1 ! n),
Saw.ar(LFDNoise3.ar(0.2 ! n).range(300, 1500), 0.2),
Crackle.ar(1.9 ! n),
Pulse.ar(LFDNoise3.ar(0.4 ! n).range(300, 1500), 0.5, 0.2)
// mixed sources, omit channels of multichannel bus
x = {
// only 10 of 30
var n = 2;
WhiteNoise.ar(0.1 ! n),
SinOsc.ar(LFDNoise0.ar(2.1 ! n).range(300, 3000)),
ClipNoise.ar(0.1 ! n),
Saw.ar(LFDNoise0.ar(3 ! n).range(300, 3000)),
Crackle.ar(1.9 ! n),
// read a soundfile
p = Platform.resourceDir +/+ "sounds/a11wlk01.wav";
b = Buffer.read(s, p);
// multichannel playback, shifted playback rates
x = {
((1..~maxNumChannels) / (~maxNumChannels * 10) + 1) * BufRateScale.kr(b),
loop: 1
// stop granulator in GUI