SuperCollider Symposium 2025

SuperCollider Symposium 2025

“The Future of SuperCollider”

March 13-15, 2025
Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg Center - 555 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington D.C.

Call for Contributions

This symposium will broadly consider the current and future state of SuperCollider, featuring current work and aspirational ideas. The conference features 3 invited speakers: Lucile Rose Nihlen, Cristof Ressi, and the creator of SuperCollider, James McCartney.

We invite contributions as papers, music performances, installations, and workshops that address topics such as (but not limited to):

  • computation for real-time audio
  • open-source programming language design
  • computational creativity
  • music performance
  • interactive music systems
  • multimedia music systems
  • live coding
  • extensions of sclang
  • plugins for scsynth
  • alternative language clients for scsynth
  • synthesis and audio FX
  • heterogeneous computing for audio
  • machine learning for music
  • digital emulation of analog systems
  • music information retrieval
  • archiving digital technologies
  • computational musicology
  • perception and psychoacoustics

Resources available for performances and installations:

  • 1-8 channel sound system
  • Video projection and lighting
  • Isolated rooms for installations
  • Acoustic instrumentalists (we have limited resources to hire musicians)
  • Peabody Laptop Ensemble (a limited number of pieces)
  • Please ask us if you have something that isn’t listed or have any other questions

How to Submit

Submissions will include:

  • Short Bio (300 words or less)
  • Abstract / Submission Description (300 words or less)
  • Video and/or Audio Documentation (as applicable)
  • Score and/or Performance Materials (as applicable)
  • Tech Rider or Technical Requirements (as applicable)

Submissions are made through this submission form.

Important Notes

  • Submissions will be peer-reviewed by the programming subcommittee.
  • We welcome paper submissions in the form of full papers or extended abstracts. If you prefer, you may submit just an abstract.
  • Individuals may submit 1 submission per category.
  • The submission form provides fields for links to the necessary information. Please make sure these links remain active through the end of December 2024 as we may need to revisit submissions.
  • We encourage submissions from individuals of diverse backgrounds and experiences.

Important Dates

  • October 15, 2024 Deadline for Submission
  • November 15, 2024 Notification of Acceptance
  • March 1, 2025 Deadline for Camera-Ready Materials
  • March 13-15, 2025 Symposium

The symposium is supported by a Nexus Convening Award from Johns Hopkins University and hosted by the Peabody Institute. All events will take place at the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg Center (555 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington D.C.). This event will be held primarily in-person, however, remote participation for presenters can be accommodated.

Questions can be directed to Ted Moore and Sam Pluta.


Thank you so much for organising this. Will the talks be recorded by any chance?


Hi @jordanwhitede,

That’s a great question. I’ll discuss with the team and let you know.




Looks great! Thanks for the hard work organizing.

I have one question – remote participation is only for papers/workshops, or is there also a way to present musical works remotely?

Thanks –


Great, just submitted:)

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Hi @jordanwhitede,

Currently, we are planning to record the talks, yes.




A reminder that the deadline for submission is just under one month from now (Oct. 15)!


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Haven’t forgotten!

I had asked awhile back: “I have one question – remote participation is only for papers/workshops, or is there also a way to present musical works remotely?” Based on the dates, it’s extremely unlikely that I could fly back to the States just for the weekend, or somewhat unlikely to take a couple weeks’ leave to stay in the States for holiday then conference (the latter isn’t impossible, just tricky to arrange). So this question makes a difference whether I submit a concert piece or not.


Remote papers are fine, but for performances, you have to be here.


Mentioning the elephant in the room: USA is one of the hardest countries to get into, dependent on where you’re from, which political views you are involved in or where you traveled to in the past.

Is it possible for you to hand out an invitation to increase the chance of a successful visa application?

edit: most importantly, thank you so much for organizing such an event, much appreciated! :slight_smile:

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Ok, thanks, I’ll discuss with my school and see if there’s any chance of taking those couple weeks.


this looks fantastic - submitted - wasn’t sure which category my offering best fits into as I could present in a number of ways - hope that’s ok!

Thanks for organizing!

I submitted my entry! I hope it “went through” though I didn’t get a confirmation email - I’m not sure if the system was supposed to send that or not.

no confirmation here either @MarcinP !

I see @MarcinP 's completed submission. If anyone else would like me to confirm their submission is complete, I’ll be happy to do so. If you want, send me a note or email with the details for me to check.



Sorry this took a minute, but it required an inquiry to admin. Yes, we can provide a letter for anyone coming to the conference.



A reminder that the submission deadline is about 1 week away (Oct. 15)!

submission form

If you have any questions about your proposal or the symposium, please get in touch with Ted Moore and Sam Pluta.

I was just down at the concert space today and there will be either 7.1.4 or 9.1.4 available using an installed Meyer sound system. So send us some surround sound pieces!



cool!!! Can a submission be edited? I didn’t realise one can submit a multichannel files :confused:

I’d rather you didn’t submit multichannel files. But just know that you can present your work in multichannel if you so desire.


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