Users in Germany?

I think someone I know was there and posted it on Instagram or something haha.

Seems like there are a few different trends:

  1. People in Berlin
  2. People in Leipzig
  3. People elsewhere

Might be worth trying to get regular meetups going for Leipzig + Berlin and also something DE-wide a few times a year - are people interested in / motivated for this?


would be up for this! :slight_smile: (berlin/wuppertal here)

I will be in Berlin after June next year…It would be great if there were some kind of SC meetup. Please keep the list posted on this :slight_smile:

I’ll start a separate thread to brainstorm a Berlin+Leipzig meetup. I think there’s plenty of interest, probably the only challenge is organizing a space - I think most organizations are (very justifiably) cautious about hosting things right now, but I have a few ideas on that front…

FWIW, there’s also a new round of online SuperCollider meetups that will be scheduled in the coming days, will announce very soon!


thanks for the initiative! I’m definitely down for participating - or even setting up events and/or meetings.

in a similar vein, where do you think would be a good place to brainstorm and connect regarding the Algorave birthday in March and setting up local events? should we do that in the TOPLAP discord?

I didn’t check this thread recently. If its for Leipzig, I’m surely up and might help organizing some space, not entirely sure though… prolly need to talk more about what we need/want… should we switch to another platform, like to that discord group or maybe telegram/signal?

I’m in Berlin and definitely interested in organizing meetups. Can try and help to find a space for that :slight_smile:

There used to be the Sonic Code meetup at Spektrum but since Spektrum closed I don’t think they did it anymore.

I am also located in Hamburg. Organised a gathering a few years ago. We were four at the time. I guess two moved away.
Yep, would be nice catching up if there’s an interest.

Hi, here’s another Hamburg dweller!

But I am quite a novice and trying to learn – so if a gathering would happen, I’d most certainly be the person who asks WAY too many questions (“den leuten ein loch in den bauch fragen”). :smiley:

I think asking questions is more than welcome. I am also far from being an SC expert…

@staxl - I have no idea about Algorave/TOPLAP, might be good to do that in collaboration with people from those forums - I have a feeling the Tidal community in Germany is probably bigger than the SC community, especially in Berlin

I could also always organise space in Weimar quite easily, it’s quite a drive for some people, OTOH it’s pretty central if people from all over Germany wanted to be in the same place :slight_smile:


I was out of the game for a while but have been more consistently working on SC again for a few months now. I’m now in based Cologne if people in NRW are keen to meet up - @dietcv @jannoczek @gexahedron @schmolmo - give this a like if you’re keen and I’ll send you all a message.


I’ve got a friend who just moved to Cologne and is learning SuperCollider, I’ll forward them as well.


First meetup next Thursday, here’s a link to direct discussion:

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First Cologne meetup is tomorrow, 19:30 at Chaos Computer Club. Please remember to wear a mask - it’s a requirement of the house, hope that’s ok for everyone!

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I’m going to Berlin for a couple of days, I would love to listen to some good computer music or modular stuff.
Do you have any advice?
I hope it’s not too off topic :slight_smile:

Thx :pray:t5:

When will you be here specifically?

The 27th, this Saturday :slight_smile:

CTM is happening: Schedule :: CTM
Probably that sucks up most of the experimental music for the next week.

The Psychic Liberation nights are fantastic, this one is a bit more on the ambient side vs most:

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In case anyone in Cologne is interested, we’ll be meeting again on Tuesday at 8pm. DM me for the address, it’ll be a private apartment. 3 people so far including @mismerized and @dietcv

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I live in Cologne, too. So that was in May, I somehow didn’t see the message. I may come over if you do something,