VstPlugin pre-release (outdated)

What I have is a legacy product:

Here some test examples with a vst organ instrument, I adapted to Christof’s release of v0.1.0 (VSTPlugin v0.1.0 released!)

// VSTPlugin examples with patterns, using VSTPlugin vs 0.1.0 


1.) Download and install ComboV organ from


2.) Boot SC with VSTPlugins


Ex.1a straight usage, single synth instrument

// vsti with pan option
SynthDef(\vst, { |out = 0, pan = 0|
    var sig = VSTPlugin.ar(nil, 1);
	Out.ar(out, Pan2.ar(sig, pan));

// start synth and controller

~synth = Synth(\vst);

~ctrl = VSTPluginController.new(~synth);

// insert your path


// define patterns

p = Pbind(
    \type, \midi,
    \midiout, ~ctrl.midi,
	\dur, Pwrand([0.3, Rest(0.3)], [0.8, 0.2], inf),
	\legato, 1,
	\midinote, Pxrand((80..95), inf)

q = Pbind(
	\dur, Prand([2, 3, 5, Rest(3)] * 0.3, inf),
	\midinote, Pxrand((48..60), inf)
) <> p;

r = Pbind(
	\dur, Prand([1/2, 1/2, 1, Rest(1)] * 0.3, inf),
	\legato, 0.5,
	\midinote, Pxrand((62..78), inf)
) <> p;

// play voice by voice

x = p.trace.play(quant: 0.3)

y = q.trace.play(quant: 0.3)

z = r.trace.play(quant: 0.3)





Ex.1b panning with 4 running vst instruments

// 4 positions in space
~synths = [-0.75, -0.3, 0.3, 0.75].collect { |x| Synth(\vst, [\pan, x]) };

~vsts = ~synths.collect { |x| VSTPluginController(x) };

// insert your path

~vsts.do { |x| x.open("/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/ComboV") };

p = Pbind(
    \type, \midi,
	\midiout, ~vsts[1].midi,
    \dur, 0.2,
	\legato, Prand([0.3, 0.7], inf),
	\midinote, Pxrand((62..78), inf)

q = Pbind(
	\dur, Prand([2, 3, 5, Rest(3)] * 0.2, inf),
	\midiout, ~vsts[2].midi,
	\midinote, Pxrand((48..60), inf)
) <> p;

r = Pbind(
	\dur, Prand([1/2, 1/2, 1, Rest(1)] * 0.2, inf),
	// LL RR scheme
	\midiout, Pseq([0, 0, 3, 3], inf).collect { |x| ~vsts[x].midi },
	\midinote, Pxrand((80..93), inf) + [0, 5]
) <> p;

// play voice by voice

x = p.trace.play(quant: 0.2)

y = q.trace.play(quant: 0.2)

z = r.trace.play(quant: 0.2)





Ex.2 setting vst instruments with event type set

// SynthDef, does pitchbend on all pitch classes (index inof see below)

SynthDef(\vst_pb, { |out = 0, pitchBend = 0.5, pan|
	var sig = VSTPlugin.ar(
		params: ([(11..22), pitchBend ! 12]).flop.flat
	Out.ar(out, Pan2.ar(sig, pan));

// start 2 synths

~synths = { Synth(\vst_pb) } ! 2;

~ctrls = ~synths.collect { |x| VSTPluginController(x) };

// insert your path

~ctrls.do { |x| x.open("/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/ComboV") };

// info:
// ~ctrls[0].info.parameterNames.postcs

// 2 patterns set params of the 2 synths

p = Pbind(
    \type, \set,
	\id, ~synths[0].nodeID,
	\args, [\pan, \pitchBend],
    \dur, 0.2,
	\pitchBend, Pxrand([0.25, 0.5, 0.75], inf),
	\pan, Pxrand([-1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1], inf)

q = Pbind(\id, ~synths[1].nodeID) <> p;

// 2 patterns set notes via midi

r = Pbind(
    \type, \midi,
	\midiout, ~ctrls[0].midi,
	\legato, 2,
	\dur, Pwrand([2, 3], [0.8, 0.2], inf),
	\midinote, Pxrand((48..90), inf)

t = Pbind(\midiout, ~ctrls[1].midi) <> r;

// run all, do a bit of midi delay compensation

x = Ptpar([0.02, p, 0.02, q, 0, r, 0, t]).play

// cleanup

// wait for release


// when silent stop synths

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we should really collect examples like these for a VSTPlugin Guide/Tutorial!

Thanks for the clarification, Christof, and for VSTPlugin itself – you’ve done us all a great service!

Thank you as well, Daniel, for your thorough response. I look forward to trying it out when I get home this evening. I was able to send midi note messages last night after Christof clarified the syntax for me, but was still unable to send cc messages. Looking over your examples, I think I had just left out the params args in the SynthDef and should be able to get it to work by following your pitchbend example.

VSTPluginMIDIProxy internally calls VSTPluginController-sendMidi, which in turn sends the raw MIDI message to the VSTPlugin UGen. the params argument is not related as it’s used for automating parameters via UGens.

regarding CC: PBind(\type, \midi, ...) sends MIDI noteOn messages by default but you can change the message type with the \midicmd argument.
In your case try: PBind(\type, \midi, \midicmd, \control

EDIT: are you sure you need CC messages? if you just want to set plugin parameters via patterns, you can indeed use params + a PBind of type\set. Or make your own Event type which calls VSTPluginController-set. I think @Geoffroy had an example, maybe he can update it to the new version?

EDIT: and maybe continue here VSTPlugin v0.1.0 released!

Thanks again, Christof.

I’m familiar with \midicmd, \control, and use it regularly with standalone apps, but something isn’t working for me here. Here’s the code I’m running – does anything appear to be amiss? I’m able to manipulate parameters via the interface and with UGens, but not the Pbindef. I’m also able to send note messages to a vsti, but it crashes after a minute (gui disappears and synth goes silent). I’m also seeing a horizontal white bar that blips onto my screen for maybe a couple milliseconds.

~conbus = Bus.audio(s, 2);

SynthDef(\contrast, {Out.ar(0, VSTPlugin.ar(In.ar(~conbus, 2), 2))}).add;

~consynth = Synth(\contrast);

~contrast = VSTPluginController(~consynth);

~contrast.open("/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/GRM/GRM Contrast Stereo.vst/", info: true);


Pbindef(\weak, \type, \midi, \midicmd, \control, \midiout, ~contrast.midi, \chan, 0, \ctlNum, 4, \control, Pn(Pseries(0, 1, 99)), \dur, 0.25).play;

Just saw the white bar while not running VSTPlugin, so that’s unrelated.

@robertf generally, ~fx.midi.control itself is working. can you open an issue on the issue tracker describing the problem? https://git.iem.at/pd/vstplugin/issues
it’s hard for me to track complex issues when they are interleaved with other posts. I need as much info as possible, describing exactly what you try to do (e.g. which plugin(s), where to get it, which CC messages, what’s the intended result, etc.) thanks!

Some new examples also with vst fx and including LFO control: