What kind of synthesis is this?

I got the same error. You just have to increase the number of wire buffers before starting the Server:

s.options.numWireBufs = 256;

Thanks a lot, @Spacechild1, I fixed that and I received another error, but after installing miSCellaneous_lib it now works!

This also sounds good, @dietcv!

hey, im sorry i totally forgot about s.options.numWireBufs = 256; and miSCellaneous_lib. im glad you already fixed it. the sound is going in a good direction i think, but not quite there, will have another look at it tomorrow :slight_smile:


Vanishing Points - YouTube serial minimalist or minimal serialist? the album perfomed on an EMS 100 in the 70s reminds me of the sound synthesis beeing discussed in this topic…